Journal of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering (ISSN: 2332-8223) is an international journal concerned with the study of scientific problems of geodesy and related interdisciplinary sciences. The aim of the Journal is to become a premier source of knowledge and a worldwide-recognized platform of exchange for scientists of different disciplinary origins and backgrounds. It presents peer-reviewed papers on theoretical or modeling studies, and on results of experiments and interpretations. In addition to original research papers, the journal publishes commissioned review papers on topical subjects and special issues arising from chosen scientific symposia or workshops.
发文量:30被引量:0 H指数:0 影响因子:0立即指数:0被引半衰期:-1引用半衰期:-1期刊他引率:0平均引文率:0
主管单位:美国大卫出版公司 主办单位:美国大卫出版公司 国内刊号: 国际刊号:2332-8223 邮发代号: 发行周期:季刊