发文量:273被引量:0 H指数:0 影响因子:0立即指数:-1被引半衰期:-1引用半衰期:-1期刊他引率:0平均引文率:0
主管单位:Chinese Academy of Engineering 主办单位:Higher Education Press, China;Tsinghua University;Huazhong University of Science and Technology 国内刊号:10-1205/N 国际刊号:2095-7513 邮发代号:80-905 发行周期:季刊
(463)Xiaohong CHEN;Jinnan WANG;Shenggang REN
Approach for natural gas to be a primary energy source in China (467)Weihe HUANG;Jindian CHEN;Chuan FU;Yan HUANG
Analysis and countermeasures of natural gas development in China (477)Wenzhi ZHAO;Ailin JIA;Guosheng ZHANG
The development trend and practical innovation of smart cities under the integration of new technologies (485)Xiaohong CHEN
Intelligent construction technology of railway engineering in China (503)Chunfang LU;Junfei LIU;Yanhong LIU;Yuming LIU
Practice and understanding of developing new technologies and equipment for green and low-carbon production of oilfields