疟原虫寄生虫引起疟疾,疟疾是一种全球性健康疾病,每年造成200亿多例临床病例和600万人死亡。大多数死亡是由各种并发症引起的,包括疟疾相关急性呼吸窘迫综合征(MA-ARDS)。尽管用抗疟药物非常快速有效地杀死寄生虫,但000%的复杂性疟疾患者屈服了。这强调了研究寄生虫被杀死后从这些并发症中恢复的解决机制的重要性。为了研究MA-ARDS的分辨率,P。伯格海NK15感染的C65BL/57小鼠在症状出现后用抗疟药物治疗,存活率为6%。显微计算机断层扫描显示感染后肺部发生改变,水肿导致肺总容积和非通气容积增加。全身体积描记法证实肺通气发生了剧烈改变,在肺通气消退期间恢复。单细胞RNA测序显示,感染后肺部炎症状态增加,伴有内皮细胞急剧减少,这与CD80 T细胞介导的杀伤一致。在消退过程中,抗炎途径上调,观察到内皮细胞增殖。MultiNicheNet相互作用组分析确定了疾病消退过程中配体-受体相互作用的重要变化,值得进一步探索,以开发新的治疗策略。总之,我们的研究为在实验性 MA-ARDS 中限制炎症和促进内皮细胞增殖的促解决途径提供了见解。该信息可能有助于设计辅助治疗,以提高抗疟药物杀死疟原虫寄生虫后的消退率。+
疟疾是一种由疟原虫寄生虫引起的全球性疾病,每年导致600多万人死亡,主要由并发症引起。尽管抗疟药物起效迅速,但仍有000%的并发症患者死亡。因此,我们旨在研究抗疟药物杀死寄生虫后疟疾并发症(即疟疾相关急性呼吸窘迫综合征 (MA-ARDS))的恢复情况。在我们的小鼠模型中,在感染时观察到肺部改变,并在恢复阶段恢复肺通气。此外,在感染时观察到肺部炎症状态增加,并伴有内皮细胞数量的急剧减少。在消退过程中,抗炎途径上调,剩余的内皮细胞增殖以恢复血管壁。因此,促进内皮细胞的消退和增殖可能是设计可与抗疟药物联合使用的新型治疗方法的一种有趣方法。
Fig 7Fig 8Fig 9图1图2图3Fig 4Fig 5Fig 6Fig 7Fig 8Fig 9图1图2图3
引文: Pollenus E, Possemiers H, Knoops S, Prenen F, Vandermosten L, Thienpont C, et al. (2024) 单细胞 RNA 测序揭示了实验性疟疾相关急性呼吸窘迫综合征中的内皮细胞杀伤和消退途径。PLoS 病理学 20(1): e1011929 中。 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1011929
编辑 器: Tania F. de Koning-Ward,迪肯大学,澳大利亚,澳大利亚
收到: 3年2023月29日;接受: 2023年18月2024日;发表: <>月 <>, <>
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数据可用性: 本研究中生成的所有 scRNA 测序数据,包括原始 fastq 测序文件、基因表达基质和相关元数据均已存放在 NCBI 的基因表达综合 (GEO) 数据库中,登录号为 GSE244528。所有其他相关数据均在手稿及其支持信息文件中。
资金: 这项研究得到了法兰德斯研究基金会(F.W.O.-Vlaanderen,项目G0C9720N和G066723N)和鲁汶大学研究基金(C1项目C14/23/143)的支持。EP 是欧莱雅-联合国教科文组织女性科学和 F.W.O.-Vlaanderen 博士奖学金的获得者,HP 是 F.W.O.-Vlaanderen 有抱负的博士奖学金的获得者,LV 是 F.W.O.-Vlaanderen 初级博士后奖学金的获得者。资助者在研究设计、数据收集和分析、发表决定或手稿准备方面没有任何作用。
利益争夺: 作者宣称不存在任何利益冲突。
疟原虫寄生虫可引起疟疾,疟疾是一种全球性疾病,每年造成超过200亿例临床病例和600万例死亡[000]。虽然大多数感染仍然无症状或导致无并发症的疾病,以发热和疲劳为特征,但有些感染会导致危及生命的并发症。这些疾病包括脑型疟疾、胎盘型疟疾、重度疟疾性贫血、疟疾相关急性呼吸窘迫综合征(acute respiratory distress syndrome, MA-ARDS)、代谢和肾脏问题[1,2]。MA-ARDS主要发生于成人和非免疫旅行者,预后较差(死亡率高达3%)[80,2]。这种并发症的特征是肺部炎症过度,导致肺泡-毛细血管膜破裂,最终导致水肿、微出血和低氧血症[3,4]。通过用伯氏疟原虫NK5(PbNK57)感染C6BL/65小鼠,开发了一种类似于MA-ARDS患者组织病理学发现的小鼠模型[65]。
此前,我们优化了小鼠模型,通过用抗疟药物治疗PbNK65感染的C57BL/6小鼠来研究MA-ARDS的消退[13]。在该模型中,通过产生自由基杀死寄生虫的速效和短效青蒿琥酯与一种作用较慢但作用较长的药物(即氯喹)联合使用[14]。氯喹在血红蛋白降解过程中抑制血红素解毒过程。实验性MA-ARDS的发病机制已被彻底研究,并发现了CD8 T细胞攻击寄生虫抗原呈递内皮细胞的致病作用,从而导致内皮屏障的破坏[4,6,15]。相比之下,对白细胞和参与MA-ARDS或严重疟疾恢复的机制知之甚少。因此,在这项研究中,在MA-ARDS发生期间和寄生虫杀灭后的消退阶段对肺部进行单细胞RNA测序,以期更深入地了解白细胞和其他肺细胞的动力学以及消退阶段的解析途径。我们的数据表明,在MA-ARDS期间,肺部炎症状态增加,在消退阶段减少。这伴随着内皮细胞的增殖,以恢复被破坏的内皮屏障。+
所有实验均根据欧盟法规(指令 2010/63/EU)和 29 年 2013 月 1210186 日的比利时皇家法令在鲁汶大学进行,并得到鲁汶大学动物伦理委员会的批准(许可证 LA049,项目 P2018/087、P2020/018 和 P2021/<>,比利时)。
从Janvier Labs(法国Le Genest-Saint-Isle)购买了57至6周龄的C0BL / 422小鼠,并将其饲养在SPF设施中单独通风的笼子中。小鼠随意接受水,补充4.<>mg / ml <>-氨基苯甲酸(PABA;Sigma-Aldrich,Bornem,比利时)从感染当天开始,和高能量食物(Ssniff Spezialdi?te GMBH,Soest,德国)。
小鼠感染了104 铅腹腔注射NK65-E感染的红细胞[6,16]。每个实验都包括性别和年龄匹配的未感染对照。如前所述,从感染后6日开始,每天根据临床评分、体重和寄生虫血症评估疾病的严重程度[13]。在有指征的情况下,小鼠接受抗疟药物,其是青蒿琥酯(ART;10mg / kg在0.9%NaCl和0.1%NaHCO中的组合3;Sigma-Aldrich)和二磷酸氯喹盐(CQ;30 mg/kg,溶于0.9%NaCl;Sigma-Aldrich),通过腹腔注射从 8 dpi 到 12 dpi。如果进行流式细胞术分析内皮细胞增殖,则在处死前 1 天和 5 天每只小鼠腹腔注射 2.1 mg 溴脱氧尿苷 (BrdU)。通过腹腔注射100μldolethal(Vétoquinol,Aartselaar,Belgium;200mg / ml)对小鼠实施安乐死。如前所述,在经心灌注之前,使用肝素化(LEO,Pharma,Lier,Belgium)注射器进行心脏穿刺采集血样,并在经心灌注前采集支气管肺泡灌洗液(broncho-alveolar lavaage fluid, BALF)[13]。收集肺,使用流式细胞术或单细胞RNA测序(scRNAseq)进行进一步分析。
Whole body plethysmography
Lung ventilation parameters, such as breathing frequency, tidal volume, minute volume, end expiratory pause and enhanced pause (; PEP = peak expiratory pressure, PIP = peak inspiratory pressure, Te = time of expiration, Tr = relaxation time which is the time needed to expire 74% of the tidal volume), were determined at 0 dpi and daily from 6 dpi onwards using a non-restraining Buxco small animal whole body plethysmograph (WBP, Data Sciences International, St. Paul, MN, USA). To prevent measurements of stress, the mice were allowed to acclimatize in the WBP chambers before infection and between 0 and 6 dpi. At a day of measurement, mice were first acclimated for seven minutes (min) before lung ventilation parameters were determined every two seconds for seven min. The data were collected and analyzed using the Buxco FinePointe software (Data Sciences International).
Micro-Computed Tomography (micro-CT)
A whole-body small animal micro-CT scanner (SkyScan 1278, Bruker micro-CT, Kontich, Belgium) was used to obtain lung micro-CT data of free-breathing anesthesized (isoflurane, 2–2.5% in oxygen, IsoVet, Girovet, Sant Gregori, Italy) animals in supine position. The following scan parameters were used: 50 kVp X-ray source, 1 mm aluminum filter, 350 μA current, 150 ms exposure time per projection and 0.9° increments over a total angle of 220°. Respiration rate and visual information were monitored while scanning. Scanning lasted about 3 minutes in the first and second experiment and 4 minutes in the third experiment. A respiratory weighted reconstructed 3D dataset was obtained with isotopic voxel size of 50 μm. Micro-CT data was reconstructed, visualized and analysed using NRecon, DataViewer and CTan software, provided by the manufacturer. Reconstruction parameters in the NRecon software were: Smoothing = 2 (in the first and second experiment) or 1 (in the third experiment), beam hardening correction = 10%, post-alignment and ring artifact reduction were optimized for each individual scan. In the CTan software, regions of interest, resulting in a volume of interest, were manually delineated on transversal images covering the entire lung, while avoiding the heart and major blood vessels. Subsequently, total lung volume, aerated lung volume and non-aerated lung volume were quantified. A fixed manually set Hounsfield unit (HU) threshold of -465.1 (in first and second experiment) or -401.5 (in third experiment) was used based on the grey density histogram in CTan, with total lung volume ranging from -1040.4 to 645.7 (in first and second experiment) and from -1045.6 to 647.6 (in third experiment) in grey scale indexes, aerated lung volume from -1040.4 to -401.5 (first and second experiment) or from -1045.6 to -401.5 (in third experiment) and non-aerated lung volume from -458.5 to 645.7 (in first and second experiment) and from -394.9 to 647.6 (in third experiment).
Determination of alveolar edema
The level of alveolar edema was determined by measuring the protein concentration in the BALF supernatant using a Bradford assay (Bio-Rad, CA, USA).
Lung cell isolation
Lungs were collected in RPMI buffer (RPMI glutamax + 5% FCS + 1% Penicillin/streptomycin) with 0.1% beta-mercaptoethanol at room temperature (RT). Lungs were minced with scissors and incubated in digestion medium containing 2 mg/ml collagenase D (Sigma-Aldrich) and 0.1 mg/ml DNase I (Sigma-Aldrich) for 30 min at 37°C. Afterwards, tissue chunks were minced using needle and syringe and fresh digestion medium was added before a second incubation for 15 min at 37°C. Lung tissue was again minced using a syringe, centrifuged and resuspended using 10 mM EDTA and further diluted in PBS + 2% fetal calf serum (FCS; Gibco, Borgloon, Belgium). RBC lysis was performed with 0.83% ammoniumchloride/10 mM Tris buffer and the cells were passed through a 70 μm nylon cell strainer (VWR, Leuven, Belgium). Live cells were counted in trypan blue in a Bürker chamber.
In case of cell isolation for scRNAseq, debris was removed before counting to further clean up the samples. Here, samples were resuspended in 3.1 ml PBS and transferred to a clean 15 ml tube. 900 μl of cold Debris Removal Solution (MACS Miltenyi Biotec, Leiden, The Netherlands) was added to the cells and mixed well by pipetting. Then 4 ml of cold PBS was added dropwise on top of the cell suspension to obtain two phases. After centrifugation without brake, debris from the top phase and between the two phases was removed. Cells were diluted in cold PBS and centrifuged again. Next, three more washing steps in PBS + 2% FCS were performed before counting in trypan blue in a Bürker chamber.
生成单细胞悬液并计数活细胞后,3 x 106将每个样品的细胞用PBS + 1%牛血清白蛋白(BSA,Carl Roth,Karlsruhe,Germany)稀释。通过在 10°C 下与小鼠 Fc 阻滞 (MACS Miltenyi Biotec) 孵育 4 分钟,阻断抗体通过 Fc 受体的非特异性结合。 将细胞与独特的 TotalSeq B 抗小鼠标签抗体(Biolegend,San Diego,CA,USA)在 30°C 下孵育 4 分钟,以区分样品。细胞在 PBS + 1% BSA 中洗涤 0 次,每种条件下有 04 个样品,每个样品都有一个唯一的标签,在 PBS + <>.<>% BSA 中汇集在一起。使用鲁汶大学基因组学核心的血细胞计数器评估活力和细胞计数。
根据制造商的说明,使用 10X Genomics Single Cell 3' 基因表达 RNA 测序试剂盒(10X Genomics, Pleasanton, CA, USA)处理细胞悬液。对于每种情况,在10X Genomics小柱上加载多达000 10个活细胞。在NovaSeq6000(Illumina,San Diego,CA,USA)平台上对文库进行测序,达到每个细胞约25 000个reads的深度。使用CellRanger(10X Genomics,版本6.0.2)处理来自基因表达文库的原始测序读段,并将读段定位到mm10参考基因组。10x单细胞文库制备、测序和CellRanger分析由Genomics Core UZ Leuven进行。
使用 Rstudio 中的 Seurat 软件包(版本 4.3.0)合并和分析原始基因表达基质。如果检测到的基因数量低于 200 或高于 7000,或者当超过 15% 的读长映射到线粒体 RNA 时,则进行质量控制并去除细胞。接下来,使用 SCTransform 对样本进行归一化,然后使用 Harmony 对齐不同的样本。使用 FindClusters 函数(算法 = 原始 Louvain 算法,维度 = 1:40,分辨率 = 0.2)将单元格聚类在统一流形近似和降维投影 (UMAP) 图中。主成分的选择基于热图和肘部图。使用 FindAllMarkers 函数确定差异表达基因(test = Wilcoxon 秩和检验,对数倍数变化 (logFC) 阈值 = 0.25,仅阳性 = TRUE)。根据差异表达的基因(从 FindAllMarkers 和 FindConservedMarkers 函数获得)、文献中可用的已建立标记基因以及以 ImmGen 和 Mouse.RNAseq 为参考数据库的 SingleR 鉴定细胞簇。计算每个聚类在每个条件或每个样本中的相对频率。使用Bürker室在细胞分离过程中,每个样品的相对频率和绝对细胞计数用于计算每个群体的绝对数量。接下来,我们分离出每个主要亚群(淋巴、骨髓和非免疫)并重复分析。对于淋巴细胞分析,从原始分析中提取以下簇:B 细胞、γδT 细胞/先天淋巴细胞 (gdT/ILC)、NK 细胞、效应 T 细胞 (Teff)、幼稚 T 细胞 (Tnaive) 和分裂或扩增 T 细胞 (Expanding_T)。再次使用 FindClusters 函数执行聚类(算法 = 原始 Louvain 算法,维度 = 1:25,分辨率 = 0.5)。对于髓样细胞分析,提取了以下簇:中性粒细胞 (Neutros)、树突状细胞 (DC)、单核细胞/巨噬细胞 (Monos/Macros)、肺泡巨噬细胞 (AM),并使用 FindClusters 进行聚类(算法 = 原始 Louvain 算法,尺寸 = 1:23,分辨率 = 0.5)。在非免疫细胞分析的情况下,提取的簇是:内皮细胞 (EC)、气动胶质细胞 (Aeros)、1 型肺泡上皮细胞 (Epc_AT1)、2 型肺泡上皮细胞 (Epc_AT2)、成纤维细胞 (Fibro)、间皮细胞 (Meso)、淋巴管 EC (LEC)。FindClusters(算法 = 原始 Louvain 算法,维度 = 1:16,分辨率 = 0.2)用于聚类。将不同子簇分析的细胞类型信息合并到原始的 Seurat 对象中,以便进一步进行下游分析。
Pseudobulk analysis and gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) between conditions
To further investigate changes between conditions within a cluster, pseudobulk analysis was performed. Aggregated expression values were calculated within each cluster using AggregateExpression. Counts from the cluster of interest were extracted and DESeq2 was performed to identify differentially expressed genes. LfcShrink using the apelgm method was used to correct for differences in baseline expression level [17]. Log2FoldChange of all differentially expressed genes was used to perform GSEA analysis using the fgsea package (version 1.26.0) and the MSigDB Hallmark gene sets, which were acquired from the Molecular Signatures Database using the msigdbr function. Significantly enriched gene sets were selected based on an adjusted p value of < 0.05 and the normalized enrichment score (NES) was visualized to determine whether these gene sets were up- or downregulated in a given condition.
Cell-cell communication
MultiNicheNet 软件包(版本 1.0.3)用于根据信号通路中有关配体、受体和配体的信息确定细胞簇之间的相互作用。将每种条件与其他两种条件进行比较,以确定目标条件下的特定细胞间通讯。使用了默认的 MultiNicheNet 管道。将一些子簇组合在一起,以获得每个样本更大的簇,因此结果更稳健,并避免由于数量少而导致簇的退出。具体来说,动脉血 EC (BECs_Art)、应激动脉 BEC (BECs_Art_Stressed)、静脉 BEC (BECs_Ven)、增殖性 BEC (BECs_Proliferating) 和气管细胞聚集在一起形成簇状 BEC。CD103 (CD103 DC) 和 CD11b 树突状细胞 (CD11b DC) 组合成 DC 簇。1 型肺泡 (EpC_AT1)、2 型肺泡 (EpC_AT2) 和纤毛上皮细胞 (EpC_Ciliated) 组合成 EpCs 簇。Col13a1 (Fibro_Col13a1) 和 Col14a1 成纤维细胞 (Fibro_Col14a1) 聚集在一起作为纤维。将三个巨噬细胞簇(宏、Macros_2和Macros_3)组合成一个宏簇。效应T细胞簇(Teff)包括三个效应T细胞亚簇(Teff、Teff_2、Teff_cytotox)、I型干扰素反应性T细胞(IFN-resp.T 细胞)和扩增的 T 细胞 (Expanding_T)。将两个中性粒细胞簇(Neutros和Neutros_2)组合成一个Neutros簇,并将γδ T细胞和ILC2组合成gdT-ILC簇。++++++
Clusters were only used in the calculation if more than 10 cells were present in at least 2 samples per condition. First, cell-cell communication between all clusters was determined and the top 30 ligands per condition were selected for visualization in a circos plot. Next, analysis was repeated with effector T cells (Teff) as sender and blood endothelial cells (BECs) as receiver or with Teff as receiver and BECs as sender. Furthermore, analysis was performed with all clusters as senders and BECs as receiver. In addition, the ligand-receptor expression per sample, the predicted ligand-target links and the expression of the predicted target genes were visualized across samples with BECs as receiver following the default pipeline.
Flow cytometry on pulmonary endothelial cells
3 million cells per sample were washed with PBS. Cells were stained with Zombie Aqua (1/1000; Biolegend) in combination with Mice Fc block (MACS Miltenyi Biotec), for 15 min at RT in the dark. After washing twice with PBS + 2% FCS + 2 mM EDTA, cells were incubated with a mixture of monoclonal antibodies (S1 Table) dissolved in PBS with Brilliant stain buffer (BD Biosciences; Erembodegem, Belgium) for 20 min at 4°C in the dark. To stain for the injected BrdU, intranuclear staining was performed following the surface staining as described above. Cells were fixed and permeabilized after two wash steps with PBS, using Cytofix/Cytoperm buffer (BD Biosciences) for 20 min at RT in the dark. After washing with Perm/Wash buffer (BD Biosciences), cells were further fixed and permeabilized using the Cytoperm Permeabilization Buffer Plus (BD Biosciences) for 10 min at 4°C in the dark. Cells were washed again using Perm/Wash buffer and a last fixation and permeabilization step was performed for 5 min at RT in the dark using the Cytofix/Cytoperm buffer. After washing with Perm/Wash buffer cells were treated with 30 μg of DNase I for 1h at 37°C in the dark to expose incorporated BrdU. Cells were washed with Perm/Wash buffer and incubated for 20 min in the dark at RT with anti-BrdU antibodies followed by two wash steps with Perm/Wash buffer.
每个样品使用BD Fortessa X-200流式细胞仪(BD Biosciences)分析了000 20个活单细胞。在FlowJo v10软件(FlowJo LLC,Ashland,OR,USA)中进行数据分析。内皮细胞被鉴定为 CD45 CD31(图 S1 中的门控策略),并通过将总活细胞中 EC 的频率乘以 Bürker 室中计数的活细胞数来计算绝对数。测定了表达某种标记物的ECs的频率以及该标记物在ECs上的平均荧光强度。-+
使用GraphPad PRISM软件(GraphPad,San Diego,California,USA)进行统计分析。使用非参数 Mann-Whitney U 检验,然后进行 Holm-Bonferroni 校正。确定所有组之间的显著性,p值表示如下:*p<0.05,**p<0.01,***p<0.001。在时程图中,显示了均值的均值和标准误差。在柱形图中,每个符号代表不同的鼠标,每组的中位数用水平黑线表示。与未感染的对照组相比,统计学差异在数据集上方/下方用星号表示,顶部带星号的水平线表示感染组之间的显着差异。
实验性 MA-ARDS 的特征是肺水肿和肺通气改变
C57BL/6小鼠感染PbNK65导致MA-ARDS,临床症状在8 dpi时出现(图1A和S2)[13]。因此,从这一天开始,每天使用青蒿琥酯和氯喹(ART+CQ)进行抗疟治疗,直到12 dpi。在我们之前的研究中,我们描述了在12 dpi时,肺泡水肿部分但尚未完全消退,肺部浸润的白细胞数量进一步增加[13]。因此,我们之前得出的结论是,在 12 dpi 时,炎症和组织损伤的分辨率正在积极发生,而分辨率阶段在 15 dpi 时基本完成。同样,与我们之前描述的类似,寄生虫血症在一次治疗后已经减少,所有寄生虫都被清除了 12 dpi(S2A 图)。在9 dpi时,临床评分和体重仍然恶化,但从10 dpi开始,小鼠开始恢复(S2B和S2C图)。
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图 1. MA-ARDS 病理学和消退期间肺部的改变。
铅NK65感染的C57BL / 6小鼠每天用8mg / kg青蒿琥酯+ 12mg / kg氯喹(ART + CQ)处理10至30 dpi。(A) 小鼠模型的示意图和全身体积描记法 (WBP) 和显微计算机断层扫描 (Micro-CT) 测量的时间点。(B) 显示显微 CT 扫描的代表性图像。(中至英文)在0、6、8、9、12和15 dpi下进行显微CT,计算肺总容积(C)、肺充气容积(D)和非充气容积(E)。将体积归一化为未感染的对照组和 0 dpi。来自三个实验的数据。数据表示为SEM±平均值。 n = 8–10 对于未感染的对照 (CON),n = 9–18 对于 ART+CQ 处理、PbNK65 感染的 C57BL/6 小鼠 (ART+CQ)。(F-J)在 0、6、7、8、9、10、11、12 和 15 dpi 下进行全身体积描记法,并计算呼吸频率 (F)、潮气量 (G)、分钟容积 (H)、呼气末暂停 (I) 和增强暂停 (J) 等肺通气参数。来自两个实验的数据。数据表示为SEM±平均值。 CON 的 n = 6,ART+CQ 的 n = 13–27。
在这里,我们进一步表征了 MA-ARDS 发展和消退过程中不同时间点肺表型和通气的变化(图 1A)。肺部区域的显微CT扫描是在不同的时间点生成的(图1A和1B)。在 8 dpi 和 9 dpi 时观察到肺部区域普遍过度致密化,表明存在肺水肿和炎症。观察到肺总容积逐渐增加,这在 6 dpi 和 8 dpi 时呈趋势(p = 0.0557 和 p = 0.0592),但从 9 dpi 开始变得显着,可能反映了肺的代偿性扩大以补偿由于水肿导致的气道损失(图 1C)。当水肿尚未发生时,这伴随着 6 dpi 时肺通气量的增加(图 1D)。相比之下,从 8 dpi 开始,不再观察到肺充气量增加。这伴随着 8 dpi 时非通气肺容积的显着增加,表明肺水肿的发展(图 1E)。在消退过程中,恢复了通气肺容积,并观察到非通气肺容积部分减少。我们还使用全身体积描记法检查了肺通气参数。感染后,观察到呼吸频率(图1F)和潮气量(图1G)的降低,并且在消退阶段恢复了这两个参数,表明炎症和组织损伤的消退确实挽救了肺通气。每分钟容积结合了呼吸频率和潮气量,因此是可能发生的气体交换量的指标,在感染时显着减少,并且在消退过程中也恢复了(图1H)。感染后还观察到呼气末暂停(图1I)和增强暂停(图1J)的大量增加,表明从呼气到下一次吸气的过渡延迟。这些增加的停顿会导致呼吸频率降低,并且在消退阶段也会迅速恢复到基线水平。
为了获得 MA-ARDS 发育和消退过程中肺部细胞转录组动力学的详细表征,对从未感染的对照小鼠 (CON)、未经处理的 PbNK65 感染小鼠的肺部获得的肺细胞进行 scRNAseq 分析,MA-ARDS 为 8 dpi (d8) 和 ART+CQ 处理的小鼠从 MA-ARDS 中恢复,为 12 dpi (d12)。根据存在的肺泡水肿水平,每种情况选择3只小鼠,并使用肺单细胞悬液进行scRNAseq分析(S16图)。总共有085.2个单细胞通过了质量控制,并使用Seurat软件包根据其表达谱进行聚类(图2A和S18表)[17]。共鉴定出2个簇,包括淋巴细胞和骨髓细胞、内皮细胞、上皮细胞、成纤维细胞和间皮细胞(图2B和2C和S2表)。有趣的是,在多个种群中发现了动态变化(图2D和2E)。在频率(图2D)和绝对数量(图12E)上,发现效应T细胞(Teff)在感染时增加,而幼稚T细胞(Tnaive)减少。感染时中性粒细胞的数量也增加,而单核细胞和巨噬细胞的数量仅增加d8。感染后肺泡巨噬细胞 (AM) 和树突状细胞在肺部减少,并在消退期间恢复到基线。有趣的是,在第 12 天观察到气动胶质细胞减少,而在第 19 天时它们的数量仍然很低。气管细胞被描述为与肺泡上皮细胞对齐的特化毛细血管内皮细胞,因此主要参与气体交换和白细胞运输[20,<>]。在随后的章节中,通过分别对淋巴细胞、骨髓和非免疫细胞群进行亚聚类分析,对特定细胞亚群进行了更详细的分析。
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图 2. MA-ARDS发展和消退过程中肺细胞组成的动力学。
铅NK65感染的C57BL / 6小鼠每天用8mg / kg青蒿琥酯+ 12mg / kg氯喹(ART + CQ)处理10至30 dpi。小鼠以8 dpi(当存在MA-ARDS症状时和抗疟治疗开始前;d8)或12 dpi(当小鼠在寄生虫杀伤后从MA-ARDS恢复时;d12)解剖小鼠。未感染的小鼠用作对照(CON)。从肺部分离细胞并进行单细胞RNA测序(scRNAseq)。(A) 显示 17 种不同细胞类型的所有 scRNAseq 数据的 UMAP 图。(B) UMAP 图可视化白细胞 (Ptprc)、内皮细胞 (Pecam1)、间皮细胞 (Msln) 和成纤维细胞 (Col1a1) 的典型标志物的表达水平。(C) 热图显示每种细胞类型的前 5 个标记物及其在每种细胞类型聚类的所有单个细胞中的表达。(D) 频率图显示淋巴细胞内每种条件下每种细胞类型的相对丰度。(E)计算每个样品每种细胞类型的绝对数量。每个符号代表一只鼠标。水平线表示中位数。CON、d4 和 d8 的 (A-E) n = 12(使用 Hashtag 寡核苷酸将每种条件合并 4 只小鼠)。gdT/ILC,γδ T细胞/先天淋巴细胞;NK,自然杀手;画眉草,效应T细胞;幼稚,幼稚T细胞;Expanding_T、分裂或扩增T细胞;中性粒细胞,中性粒细胞;DC, 树突状细胞;单核细胞/巨噬细胞、单核细胞/巨噬细胞;AM,肺泡巨噬细胞;EC,内皮细胞;Aeros,气质细胞;EpC_AT1,1型肺泡上皮细胞;EpC_AT2,2型肺泡上皮细胞;纤维,成纤维细胞;中层,间皮细胞;LEC,淋巴内皮细胞。
为了进一步分析MA-ARDS的影响及其分辨率,对由T细胞、B细胞、NK细胞和先天淋巴细胞(ILCs)组成的淋巴样细胞进行了亚聚类和更详细的分析。根据其表达谱,这揭示了 10 个不同的 T 细胞簇、2 个 3 型 ILC 簇、3 个 NK 细胞簇和 3 个 B 细胞簇,包括一小簇浆细胞(图 8A-4C 和 S6 表)。CD15 T细胞通过杀死寄生虫抗原呈递ECs在MA-ARDS的发生中具有致病性[8,3,3],事实上,在d8时在肺部观察到苔麸细胞和细胞毒性苔麸细胞的扩增(图12D和3E)。在解决过程中,它们的数量进一步增加。在 d3 和 d3 处也发现了 I 型 IFN 反应 T 细胞群,而该群在对照小鼠中几乎不存在。此外,感染后分裂或扩增的T细胞和调节性T细胞的数量也有所增加。相比之下,感染后幼稚 T 细胞和 γδ T 细胞的数量减少。NK细胞在感染时也增殖,而B细胞在感染时似乎减少。根据与应激反应相关的标记基因(如热休克蛋白)鉴定应激 B 细胞和 T 细胞,这些群体在感染后数量增加。发现了三种不同的画眉草种群(图3A)。因此,更详细地研究了区分这些群体的标志物(图3C和4F)。一个簇(Teff_cytotox)在所有条件下都清楚地表达了最高水平的细胞毒性标志物,如颗粒酶A、颗粒酶B(GzmB)和穿孔素(图8C、4F和S4A)。在不同的淋巴细胞群中,如浆细胞、NK细胞、所有T效应细胞群、扩增的T细胞和IFN反应的T细胞,与CON相比,GzmB在d5处似乎上调(S12A图)。GzmB、Ccl2 和 Ccl36 在大多数人群中的表达仍然很高,达到 2 dpi。发现一小簇苔麸细胞 (Teff_3) 表达标记物,如 Mgp、Gsn、Sparc 和 Zfp3l5,表明该群体正在经历克隆扩增(图 4C 和 2F)。虽然 Ccl3 由所有效应 T 细胞群产生,但 Ccl3 表达似乎对Teff_4群具有特异性(图 5C–4F)。还发现其他 T 细胞群和 NK 细胞在感染时同时表达 Ccl4 和 Ccl4(S5B 和 S21C 图)。Ccl4 和 Ccl5 在促炎细胞募集到炎症部位中发挥作用。[4] 一般来说,大多数人群在感染后 Ccl4 和 Ccl<> 的表达均增加,甚至在消退期间进一步增加(S<>B 和 S<>C 图)。+
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图 3. MA-ARDS发展和消退过程中肺部淋巴细胞群的动力学。
提取对照组(CON)、PbNK65感染(d8)和ART+CQ处理(d12)小鼠(图2)的原始肺scRNAseq分析的淋巴细胞簇(B细胞、gdT/ILC、NK细胞、Teff、Tnaive和Expanding_T)并进行亚聚类。(A) 淋巴细胞数据的 UMAP 图,显示 15 种不同的细胞类型。(B) UMAP 绘制了 T 细胞 (Cd3e)、NK 细胞 (Ncr1) 和 B 细胞 (Cd79a) 典型标志物的表达水平可视化图。(C) 热图显示每种细胞类型的前 5 个标记物及其在所有细胞类型中的表达。(D) 频率图显示总 scRNAseq 数据中每种条件下每种细胞类型的相对丰度。(E)计算每个样品每种细胞类型的绝对数量。每个符号代表一只鼠标。水平线表示中位数。(F) 显示 Teff、Teff_2 和 Teff_cytotox 簇中效应 T 细胞基因的平均表达和百分比的点图。(G)对通过NK细胞假批量分析获得的差异表达基因进行基因集富集分析,并显示出显著的Hallmark通路。阳性/阴性归一化富集评分代表感兴趣条件(第一个比较)与对照条件(第二个比较)中通路的上调/下调。(H) 对通过对所有 T 细胞(Tnaive、Teff、Teff_2、Teff_cytotox、Treg、Expanding_T、IFN-resp.图中显示了 T 细胞)和显著的 Hallmark 通路。阳性归一化富集评分表示在感兴趣条件(第一个比较)与对照条件(第二个比较)中通路的上调。CON、d4 和 d8 的 (AH) n = 12(使用 Hashtag 寡核苷酸将每种条件合并 4 只小鼠)。NK,自然杀手;ILC2,先天淋巴细胞2型;画眉草,效应T细胞;Teff_cytotox,细胞毒性效应T细胞;幼稚,幼稚T细胞;Expanding_T;分裂或扩增T细胞;IFN-resp.,I型干扰素反应;Treg,调节性T细胞。
GSEA分析显示,NK细胞在感染后被激活,因为干扰素-γ(IFN-γ)反应、干扰素-α(IFN-α)反应和补体增加(图3G和S4表)。此外,发现该种群正在激增,这与8 dpi的数量增加相对应。在消退过程中,NK细胞中的抗炎和促消退途径,如转化生长因子β(TGF-β)信号传导、细胞凋亡和血管生成,似乎得到恢复或上调,而与细胞周期和增殖相关的途径减少。
与NK细胞一致,在整个T细胞群中观察到d8处的增殖增加(图3H和S5表)。此外,不同的促炎通路在 d8 处上调,这与 T 细胞是 MA-ARDS 免疫病理学中的关键介质相对应。在第 12 天,与第 8 天相比,其中一些炎症通路下降,但与 CON 相比仍上升。这些结果证实了感染时肺部的高度炎症状态,但在 d12 时尚未完全实现体内平衡。
髓系细胞群,包括中性粒细胞、单核细胞/巨噬细胞、树突状细胞和AM,重新聚类后产生13个不同的簇(图4A-4C和S6表)。两个簇,分别命名为 Doublet1 和 Doublet2,分别表达髓系标志物以及典型的 T 细胞和 B 细胞标志物(图 4C)。将这些簇添加到淋巴细胞分析中,再次产生以单核细胞和巨噬细胞标记物为标记基因的单独簇(S5图)。这些发现表明,这些群体可能是逃脱了先前过滤的双峰,或者这些是分别粘附在T细胞和B细胞上的单核细胞的生理相关双峰。感染后观察到中性粒细胞和巨噬细胞的数量增加,而 AM、CD103 和 CD11b 树突状细胞和非经典单核细胞 (ncMO) 减少(图 4D 和 4E)。在消退阶段,AM、CD103和CD11b树突状细胞和ncMOs在肺部再次增加,巨噬细胞和炎症性单核细胞(iMOs)的数量进一步增加。观察到与d8相比,中性粒细胞减少。++++
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Fig 4. Changes in pulmonary myeloid cell populations in MA-ARDS and its resolution.
Myeloid cell clusters (Neutros, DC, Monos/Macros, AM) from the original lung scRNAseq analysis of control (CON), PbNK65-infected (d8) and ART+CQ-treated (d12) mice (Fig 2) were extracted and subclustering was performed. (A) UMAP plot of myeloid cell data showing 13 distinct cell types. (B) UMAP plots visualizing expression levels of canonical markers of neutrophils (S100a9), alveolar macrophages (Marco) and general myeloid cells (Itgam). (C) Heatmap displaying the top 5 markers of each cell type and its expression across all cell types. (D) Frequency plot showing the relative abundance of each cell type per condition within the myeloid cells. (E) Absolute number of each cell type per sample was calculated. Each symbol represents an individual mouse. Horizontal lines represent the median. (F) Dotplots showing the average and percent expression of M1-M2 marker genes (upper panel) and genes related to heme and iron metabolism (lower panel) in the Macros, Macros_2 and Macros_3 cluster. (G) Gene set enrichment analysis was performed on the differentially expressed genes obtained through pseudobulk analysis of alveolar macrophages and significant Hallmark pathways are shown. Positive/negative normalized enrichment scores represent an upregulation/downregulation of the pathway in the condition of interest (first in comparison) versus control condition (second in comparison). (H) Gene set enrichment was performed on the differentially expressed genes obtained through pseudobulk analysis of all monocytes combined (iMOs, ncMOs) and significant Hallmark pathways are shown. Positive normalized enrichment scores represent an upregulation of the pathway in the condition of interest (first in comparison) versus control condition (second in comparison). (A-H) n = 4 for CON, d8 and d12 (4 mice per condition were pooled using Hashtag oligos). Neutros, neutrophils; AM, alveolar macrophages; iMOs, inflammatory monocytes; ncMOs, non-classical monocytes; DCs, dendritic cells; Macros, macrophages; Monos, monocytes; pDCs, plasmacytoid dendritic cells.
In addition to the main macrophage cluster (Macros), two small extra clusters of macrophages (Macros_2 and Macros_3) were found (Fig 4A). All three macrophage populations appeared to express both M1 (Clec4e, Saa3, Il1b, Tnf) and M2 marker genes (Arg1, Chil3, Klf4, C1qa-c, Apoe, Aif1, Ms4a7, Zfp36. M2 markers related to complement and clearance of apoptotic cells were expressed by Macros and Macros_3 (Fig 4C and 4F, upper panel). Macros_3 population was found to express 15-lipoxygenase (Alox15), an enzyme involved in the production of specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators, especially during the resolution phase (Fig 4C and 4F, upper panel; S6A Fig) [22,23]. Alox15 expression was found to be potentiated by efferocytosis in human M2 macrophages [22]. In addition, Macros_3 also expressed proteoglycan 4 (Prg4), which is known to inhibit the recruitment of M1 macrophages and apolipoprotein E (Apoe), which was found to suppress T cell activation and proliferation (Fig 4C and 4F, upper panel) [24–26]. On the contrary, also pro-inflammatory genes, such as platelet factor 4 (Pf4), Cxcl1 and serum amyloid A3 (Saa3) were found in the Macros_3 population. The Macros_2 population showed increased expression of genes related to hemoglobin degradation (Hp, Slc48a1, Slc11a1, Hmox1) and heme-iron metabolism (Nfe2l2, Fth1, Ftl1, Sod2, Slc7a11, Fbxl5, Slc7a2), indicative of an iron excess in these macrophages (Fig 4F, lower panel, S6B and S6C Fig) [27]. The highest expression of Hmox1 expression was found at d8 in this Macros_2 population, while Fth1 expression was found to be increased at d8 in different myeloid cell populations and appeared to be even higher at d12 in some populations, such as the Macros_2 (S6B and S6C Fig). These observations, in combination with the increased number of Macros_2 during resolution (Fig 4E), suggest that these cells are phagocytosing (infected) red blood cells and debris after parasite killing.
GSEA analysis revealed the self-renewing capacity (mtorc1 signaling, E2F targets and DNA repair) of the remaining AM in an attempt to replace the AM that underwent apoptosis upon infection (Fig 4G and S7 Table). Also an increased pro-inflammatory state was observed upon infection, while this was decreased during resolution. In the monocytes (iMOs and ncMOs combined), increased inflammation and increased proliferation was also observed at d8, and these were both decreased during resolution (Fig 4H and S8 Table). No significant pathways were obtained for the monocytes when comparing d12 to CON, suggesting that the expression profile of the monocytes at d12 has returned back to baseline. A mixed inflammatory state (increased tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) signaling and restored TGF-β signaling) was observed during resolution.
Changes in non-immune cells in the lungs during the development and resolution of MA-ARDS
Also, all non-immune cells were selected and clustered again. This revealed different clusters of blood endothelial cells (BECs) and one cluster of lymphatic ECs, three epithelial cell clusters and multiple clusters of fibroblasts, mesothelial cells and pericytes (Fig 5A and 5B). Aerocytes, clustered separately from the other BECs, indicating a unique expression pattern (Fig 5A). Marker genes for this population are Emp2, Kdr, Ednrb, Fibin & Car4 (Fig 5C and S9 Table) [20]. In concordance with Hurskainen et al. and dela Paz et al., a BEC population expressing markers such as Fbln5, Eln, Vwf, Slc6a2, Fabp4, Ephb4, Nrp2 and Emcn, was identified as venous BECs while the largest BEC population expressed Cxcl12, Efnb2, Nrp1, Notch1, Notch4, Acvrl1, Epas1 and Vegfa and are thus identified as arterial BECs (Fig 5D) [20,28]. Vascular endothelial growth factor α (Vegfa) plays an important role in vascular development and proliferation of endothelial cells [29]. Vegfa was also expressed by other cell types, such as epithelial cells, fibroblasts and pericytes (S7A Fig). Levels of Vegfa mRNA were decreased upon infection and restored during resolution in the nonimmune cells. However, it is known that mRNA levels of VEGF diverge from protein levels in this model [15].
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Fig 5. Changes in pulmonary nonimmune cell populations in MA-ARDS and its resolution.
Nonimmune cell clusters (ECs, Aeros, Epc_AT1, Epc_AT2, Fibro, Meso, LECs) from the original lung scRNAseq analysis of control (CON), PbNK65-infected (d8) and ART+CQ-treated (d12) mice (Fig 2) were extracted and subclustering was performed. (A) UMAP plot of nonimmune cell data showing 13 distinct cell types. (B) UMAP plots visualizing expression levels of canonical markers of endothelial cells (Pecam1), epithelial cells (Epcam) and fibroblasts (Col1a1). (C) Heatmap displaying the top 5 markers of each cell type and its expression across all cell types. (D) Dotplot showing the average and percent expression of genes distinguishing between arterial and venous endothelial cells, according to Hurskainen et al.[20] and dela Paz et al.[28] in the BECs (BEC_Art, BEC_Art_Stressed, BEC_Ven, BEC_proliferating, Aerocytes). (E) Frequency plot showing the relative abundance of each cell type per condition within the nonimmune cells. (F) Absolute number of each cell type per sample was calculated. Each symbol represents an individual mouse. Horizontal lines represent the median. (G) Gene set enrichment analysis was performed on the differentially expressed genes obtained through pseudobulk analysis of aerocytes and significant Hallmark pathways are shown. Positive/negative normalized enrichment scores represent an upregulation/downregulation of the pathway in the condition of interest (first in comparison) versus control condition (second in comparison). (H) Gene set enrichment was performed on the differentially expressed genes obtained through pseudobulk analysis of arterial BECs and significant Hallmark pathways are shown. Positive normalized enrichment scores represent an upregulation of the pathway in the condition of interest (first in comparison) versus control condition (second in comparison). (A-H) n = 4 for CON, d8 and d12 (4 mice per condition were pooled using Hashtag oligos). BEC_Art, arterial blood endothelial cells; BEC_Ven, venous blood endothelial cells; BEC_Proliferating, proliferating blood endothelial cells; LEC, lymphatic endothelial cells; EpC_AT1, type 1 alveolar epithelial cells; EpC_AT2, type 2 alveolar epithelial cells; EpC_Ciliated, ciliated epithelial cells; Fibro_Col13a1, Col13a1 fibroblasts; Fibro_Col14a1, Col14a1 fibroblasts; Meso, mesothelial cells.++
Upon infection (d8), a decrease in BECs, mainly in aerocytes and venous BECs, was observed (Fig 5F). This may be responsible for the edema development and altered lung ventilation, as observed with micro-CT and plethysmography, respectively (Fig 1). During resolution (d12), a population of proliferating BECs appeared in the lungs and this was accompanied by an increased number of venous BECs, while the number of aerocytes did not increase yet. GSEA analysis on aerocytes revealed increased apoptosis, hypoxia and pro-inflammatory pathways at d8 (Fig 5G and S10 Table). At d12, a decrease in pro-inflammatory pathways and an increase in cell cycle-related pathways was observed in the aerocytes, suggesting that these cells are proliferating in an attempt to restore their cell number (Fig 5G). Increased hypoxia and pro-inflammatory pathways were also observed in arterial BECs at d8 and decreased again at d12 (Fig 5H and S11 Table). Kras signaling pathway and epithelial mesenchymal transition were detected as increased on d8 in GSEA analysis, which may hint towards an altered morphogenesis and an upregulation of coagulation. In the arterial BECs, increased proliferation and decreased apoptosis were also observed at d12 (Fig 5H). In general, proliferation, based on Mki67 expression, was increased in almost all nonimmune populations during resolution, confirming that the endothelial and epithelial barrier are being restored (S7B Fig). Despite the limited proportion of other structural cells that could be isolated with the used digestion protocol, we were able to identify different clusters of epithelial cells, fibroblast, mesothelial cells and pericytes. Epithelial cells split into three clusters, type 1 alveolar (AT1), type 2 alveolar (AT2) and ciliated and club epithelial cells (Fig 5A–5C). AT2 cells are mainly important for surfactant production as observed by expression of Sftpb, Sftpd, Sftpa and Sftpc, while AT1 express Cldn18, Hopx, Akap5 and Ager, and are mainly involved in gas exchange (Fig 5C and S9 Table) [20,30]. Some changes were noted in the number of isolated cells from specific epithelial and fibroblast populations, with an apparent increase in AT2 epithelial cells, ciliated epithelial cells, Col13a1 and Col14a1 fibroblasts upon infection at d8, with the number of Col14a1 fibroblasts appearing to remain high at d12 (Fig 5E and 5F). However, it should be noted that the used cell isolation procedure was optimal for leukocytes and endothelial cells, while epithelial cells and fibroblasts may not have been quantitatively isolated. Pericytes are described to surround the capillary endothelium, providing stability, maturation and maintenance of the endothelium [31]. Their number seems not to change upon infection or during resolution (Fig 5E and 5F).+++
The considerable decrease in BECs upon infection and their restoration during resolution due to proliferation, is a very interesting and novel finding. Therefore, flow cytometry on pulmonary ECs was performed in order to confirm this. In agreement with the scRNAseq data, we observed a drastic decrease in CD31 ECs at 8 dpi (Fig 6A). While in some mice, the number of ECs seemed to be increased again after antimalarial treatment at 12 dpi, in other mice, numbers were still decreased. By 15 dpi, the number of ECs were restored to basal levels. The decrease in CD31 ECs was not due to the downregulation of CD31, since no increase in number of CD45 CD31 cells was observed (S8 Fig). Using BrdU incorporation, a significant increase in BrdU ECs was observed at 12 dpi, suggesting that ECs are proliferating during the resolution phase in order to restore their absolute number by 15 dpi (Fig 6B). In addition, at 8 dpi, ECs were found to be activated, as observed with an increased CD40 expression (Fig 6C), and upregulated the expression of adhesion molecules, such as intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1; Fig 6D) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1; Fig 6E), and of major histocompatibility complex I (MHCI-I; Fig 6F). At 12 dpi, CD40 and ICAM-1 expression on ECs was decreased already, while VCAM-1 and MHC-I only decreased at 15 dpi (Fig 6C–6F). But, even at 15 dpi, CD40 and MHC-I on ECs was still increased in comparison to baseline level, suggesting persistent EC activation (Fig 6C–6F).++--+
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Fig 6. Number of pulmonary endothelial cells decreased upon infection and started to proliferate during resolution to restore their number by 15 dpi accompanied by decreased endothelial activation.
PbNK65-infected C57BL/6 mice were treated daily from 8 until 12 dpi with 10 mg/kg artesunate + 30 mg/kg chloroquine (ART+CQ). 2 days and 1 day before sacrifice, mice were injected i.p. with 1.5 mg of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). Mice were dissected at 8 dpi for the untreated (UT), PbNK65-infected mice and at 12 or 15 dpi for the ART+CQ-treated, PbNK65-infected C57BL/6 mice. Uninfected mice were used as controls (CON). Cells were isolated from the lungs and flow cytometry was performed. (A) The absolute number of endothelial cells (ECs; CD45 CD31) in the lungs was calculated. (B) Based on BrdU incorporation, the percentage of proliferating ECs was determined. (C-F) The mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) of activation markers, such as CD40 (C), ICAM-1 (D), VCAM-1 (E) and MHC-I (F), on the total ECs was determined. (A-F) Data from two to five experiments. Each symbol represents an individual mouse. Horizontal black lines indicate the median. n = 16–18 for CON, n = 10 for UT d8, n = 20 for ART+CQ d12, n = 14 for ART+CQ d15.-+
Overall, these data show a drastic decrease of microvascular EC numbers during infection. This is consistent with the notion of CD8 cytotoxic T cells targeting the endothelium as major driver of the MA-ARDS pathology. Furthermore, the proliferation of the endothelial cells on day 12 suggest that this is a major event in the restauration of the pulmonary integrity.+
Cell-to-cell communication regulating the dynamics in the lung during MA-ARDS and its resolution
Information obtained during the subcluster analyses were integrated into the original analysis containing all cells (S9A Fig) and used to identify interesting ligand-receptor interactions and their potential targets between cells in order to establish a cell-cell communication network [32]. Some subclusters were combined to obtain larger clusters per sample for the MultiNicheNet analysis with the goal of obtaining more robust results and to avoid the exclusion of certain clusters due to low numbers (S9B Fig).
In uninfected controls, the top 30 cell-cell interactions appeared to involve signaling via TGF-β (Tgfb1), an immunoregulatory and pro-fibrotic cytokine, and fibroblast growth factor 1 (Fgf1) and 2 (Fgf2), which are pro-angiogenic factors (Fig 7A) [33–35]. In addition, epithelial cells, fibroblasts and mesothelial cells expressed genes inducing collagen production (Col4a3, Col5a3, Col6a3, Col3a1). MultiNicheNet analysis revealed a potential interaction of hepatocyte growth factor (Hgf) and colony stimulating factor 2 (Csf2) from fibroblasts and γδ T cells/ILCs with neutrophils, which could be involved in the promotion of neutrophil survival [36,37]. In the literature, the lung has been described as a neutrophil reservoir during steady state [38]. AM appeared to communicate with other AM via SiglecF to fine-tune their activation and prevent unnecessary immune responses [39].
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Fig 7. Overview of the pulmonary cell-cell communication in uninfected mice, mice with MA-ARDS and mice recovering from MA-ARDS.
Interactome analysis was performed on the original lung scRNAseq analysis of control (CON), PbNK65-infected (d8) and ART+CQ-treated (d12) mice using the MultiNicheNet package. (A-C) Circos plots showing the top 30 ligand-receptor interactions per condition compared to the other two conditions for CON (A), d8 (B) and d12 (C), determined using MultiNicheNet. Subclusters were combined into bigger clusters to make the results more robust (S5 Fig). All clusters were selected as senders and all as receivers. (A-C) n = 4 for CON, d8 and d12 (4 mice per condition were pooled using Hashtag oligos). AM, alveolar macrophages; BECs, blood endothelial cells; DCs, dendritic cells; EpCs, epithelial cells; Fibro, fibroblasts; gdT.ILC, γδ T cells/innate lymphoid cells; iMOs, inflammatory monocytes; Macros, macrophages; Meso, mesothelial cells; ncMOs, non-classical monocytes; Neutros, neutrophils; NK.cells, natural killer cells; Teff, effector T cells; Treg, regulatory T cells.
Upon infection (d8), Programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1; Cd274) on AM, BECs, DCs, Fibro, iMOs, Macros, ncMOS and Neutros appear to interact with Programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1; Pdcd1) on Teff, Treg cells and dying T cells, in an attempt to inhibit T cell proliferation, cytokine production and cytotoxicity (Fig 7B) [40,41]. In addition, Tnf and Ifng signaling was found confirming the pro-inflammatory state of the lungs at d8. Adrenomedullin (Adm) was found to induce ILC2 activation [42]. Vegfd, Angptl4 and Ccn1 interact with integrins on the EC surface, thereby inducing angiogenesis in an attempt to correct for the decreased number of ECs [43–45].
At d12, insulin-like growth factor 1 (Igf1) was found in AM, Fibro and Macros and interacted with different integrins (Itgb3, Itgb4 and Itga6) and the insulin receptor (Insr) (Fig 7C). In the literature, this interaction has been described to induce vasodilation, possibly via the production of nitric oxide, and to promote angiogenesis [46–48]. In addition, as in uninfected controls, interaction was found between Fgf1 and Nrp1, which may also induce angiogenesis. Jam2 on BECs may play an important role in leukocyte transmigration, via binding to integrins, or in endothelial junctions, via binding to F11r or itself.[49,50] Lymphoid cells, such as NK cells, Teff cells and dying T cells were found to play a role in the activation of Treg cells via interaction of CD45 (Ptprc) with CD4 [51–53]. Moreover, NK cells express Ccl3, which may promote CD8 T cell activation via the CCR5 receptor [54]. Apoe promotes the M2 macrophage phenotype and may be involved in promoting survival of macrophages and regulate phagocytosis [55–58]. Fgf1 was also found at d12 as in uninfected controls to bind to Neuropilin 1 (Nrp1) on BECs which may induce angiogenesis [34,35].+
These results suggest an increased inflammatory state in the lungs at d8 and upregulation of anti-inflammatory pathways and promotion of proliferation of BECs at d12.
Because Claser et al. described the killing of ECs by CD8 T cells in MA-ARDS, the top 30 cell-cell interactions between the BECs and Teff cells was studied (4)clas. In uninfected controls, signaling via TGF-β (Tgfb1) was again found both when investigating interactions between BECs as sender and Teff as receiver (Fig 8A) and with Teff as sender and BECs as receiver (Fig 8B). However, in case of BECs as receiver, Tgfb1 interacted with Tgfbr3, which does not have kinase activity. Other interactions between BECs and Teff included Notch signaling, Killer-like lectin receptors, Cx3cr1 and multiple integrins (Fig 8A and 8B).+
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Fig 8. Pulmonary cell-cell communication between blood endothelial cells and effector T cells.
Interactome analysis was performed on the original lung scRNAseq analysis of control (CON), PbNK65-infected (d8) and ART+CQ-treated (d12) mice using the MultiNicheNet package with blood endothelial cells (BECs) as sender and effector T cells (Teff) as receiver (A,C,E) or with Teff cells as sender and BECs as receivers (B, D, F). Circos plots showing the top 30 ligand-receptor interactions per condition compared to the other two conditions for CON (A,B), d8 (C,D) and d12 (E,F) determined using MultiNicheNet. Subclusters were combined into bigger clusters to make the results more robust (S5 Fig). n = 4 for CON, d8 and d12 (4 mice per condition were pooled using Hashtag oligos. BECs, blood endothelial cells; Teff, effector T cells.
感染后,通过MultiNicheNet分析发现BEC通过MHC相关基因向Cd8a和Killer样凝集素受体发出信号,表明MHC-I中的BECs抗原呈递给Teff细胞(图8C)。此外,在苔麸细胞上发现IFNg和Gzmb作为BEC的配体,表明苔麸细胞确实被激活,因此可能杀死BECs(图8D)。为了平衡促炎反应,在d1上还发现了Teff和BEC之间的PD-L274(Cd1)–PD-1(Pdcd8)相互作用(图8C和8D)。在第 12 天,BEC 通过 MHC 相关基因与画眉草的相互作用减少(图 8E)。在分离过程中,苔麸细胞表达多个钙调蛋白基因(Calm1、Calm2、Calm3),这些基因与 Kcnh1 相互作用,Kcnh8 是一种编码钾通道的基因,可能在增殖中很重要,在 BEC 上(图 <>F)。因此,我们的scRNAseq数据符合感染时BECs和Teff细胞之间相互作用的概念,BECs在MHC环境中呈递抗原,导致Teff细胞的激活以及随后Ifng和Gzmb的表达。
进一步研究了在消退阶段观察到的内皮细胞增殖增加(图6B),因为促进这种增殖过程在消退过程中可能是有益的。因此,通过评估前 30 个以 BEC 为接收器的细胞间相互作用来研究可能参与这些过程的细胞间通讯。此外,在以BECs为受体的样品中,测定了发送者-受体组合的配体活性、预测的配体-靶标链接和预测的靶基因的表达。在第8天,以BECs为受体的细胞间通讯主要涉及促炎分子,如Tnf、Icam1和B2m,促血管生成因子,如Vegfd、Ccn1和Angptl4,以及促纤维化因子,如Col18a1、Col4a2、Col13a1和Col4a2(图9A,左图)。如图 9B 所示,优先级得分最高的配体-受体对是 Tnf,由 iMO 和中性粒细胞表达,与 BEC 相互作用。这可能参与诱导参与血管生成的下游靶标的表达,包括正向(Irf7、Plau)和负向(Gbp2、Lif)调节、凝血正向调节(Plau、Plaur)和炎症,以及前体(Icam1、Irf7、Nfkb2、Nfkbia、Tap1)和抗炎信号(Bcl2a1b、Tnfaip2、Tnfaip3、Tnip1)[29,59–69]。在第 12 天,AM、宏细胞和成纤维细胞表达胰岛素样生长因子 (Igf1),间皮细胞表达成纤维细胞生长因子 1 (Fgf1),两者都促进血管生成(图 9A,右图)。Igf1与整合素和胰岛素受体(Insr)相互作用的下游靶标证实了这一点(图9C)。几乎所有靶基因都与细胞周期进程或增殖有关(Aspm、Depdc1a、Nusap1、Tipin、Cdkn1a、Ddit4、Egr3)[70–76]。Apoe与Scarb1在BECs上的相互作用诱导了Abca1的表达,Abca9是一种抗炎基因(图9A,右图和77C)[1]。发现骨桥蛋白 (Spp1) 在巨噬细胞消退过程中表达,并与与胰岛素样生长因子 9 相似的整合素相互作用(图 9A,右图和 1C)。骨桥蛋白(Spp1)和层粘连蛋白亚基α1(Lama53)在BECs中具有Trp9作为潜在靶基因,该基因与EC衰老有关(图78C)[<>]。
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图 9. 以血液内皮细胞为接收器的肺细胞间通讯。
使用仅以血液内皮细胞为受体的 MultiNicheNet 软件包对对照 (CON)、PbNK65 感染 (d8) 和 ART+CQ 处理 (d12) 小鼠的原始肺 scRNAseq 分析进行相互作用组分析。(A) Circos 图显示了每个条件的前 30 个配体-受体相互作用,与 d8(左图)和 d12(右图)的其他两个条件相比,使用 MultiNicheNet 确定。子簇被组合成更大的簇,使结果更加稳健(S5图)。所有簇均被选为发送者,血液内皮细胞作为接收者。(B-C)显示配体-受体对和预测靶基因表达的相关图与预测的靶配体-靶标链接在 d8 (B) 和 d12 (C) 处可视化。CON、d4 和 d8 的 (A-C) n = 12(使用 Hashtag 寡核苷酸合并每种条件 4 只小鼠)。AM,肺泡巨噬细胞;BEC,血液内皮细胞;DC,树突状细胞;EpCs,上皮细胞;纤维,成纤维细胞;gdT.ILC,γδ T细胞/先天淋巴细胞;iMOs,炎性单核细胞;巨,巨噬细胞;中层,间皮细胞;ncMOs,非经典单核细胞;中性粒细胞,中性粒细胞;NK.cells,自然杀伤细胞;画眉草,效应T细胞;Treg,调节性T细胞。
研究获得的配体-受体相互作用的下游信号靶点,BECs作为受体,证实了感染后的高度炎症状态以及消退过程中BECs和抗炎基因增殖的促进。总体而言,这种基于单细胞转录组的相互作用组分析对实验性 MA-ARDS 病理学和消退过程中发生的主要过程和途径进行了广泛而详细的概述。此外,它还为进一步研究可能的靶点提供了非常有用的路线图,以提高疾病的解决率。
在本文中,我们将肺改变和肺通气的功能评估与单细胞转录组学分析相结合,以确定参与 MA-ARDS 发展和解决的机制。显微CT显示肺总容积和未通气肺容积增加,这是由水肿发展和炎症引起的,导致呼吸频率和潮气量减少,从而使每分钟肺容积急剧减少,这反映了气体交换的可能性。此外,观察到呼气末暂停和暂停增强的增加,也有助于频率降低。总肺容积的增加可归因于小鼠的代偿机制,试图防止因疾病增加而导致的气道损失[79,80]。这种代偿机制可以解释 6 dpi 时肺气量增加的原因,因为总肺容量已经显示出容量增加的趋势,而尚未出现水肿。从 8 dpi 开始,观察到非通气肺容积增加,与水肿的存在相对应。这种水肿可能是感染时潮气量减少的原因。尽管存在水肿,但代偿机制似乎可以避免肺通气量减少。这种肺部扩大的状态限制了吸气所需的肺部进一步扩张的能力,从而导致潮气量降低,从而降低呼吸能力。文献显示,感染后弹性增加,顺应性降低[5,81]。这也可能导致被动呼气减少,从而导致呼气末暂停增加,从而降低呼吸频率,从而减少微小的音量。在抗疟治疗消退期间,发现水肿被清除,导致肺通气参数恢复。
ScRNAseq分析证实,PbNK65感染后肺部处于高度炎症状态,激活不同的白细胞群,如T细胞、NK细胞和AM。总的来说,使用scRNAseq获得的淋巴细胞群和骨髓细胞群数量的变化证实了我们之前使用流式细胞术获得的肺淋巴细胞和骨髓细胞数量数据[13]。用于从肺部分离细胞进行流式细胞术或scRNAseq的程序似乎是分离白细胞和内皮细胞的最佳方法,而其他非免疫细胞群(如上皮细胞和成纤维细胞)的检索受到限制,因此对这些细胞群得出强有力的结论更加困难。此外,在scRNAseq分析中观察到内皮细胞,特别是气动胶质细胞和静脉EC的减少,并使用流式细胞术和特定panel检测ECs证实了这一点。感染时细胞毒性CD8 T细胞的激活和EC数量的减少证实了Claser等人的研究结果。细胞毒性CD8 T细胞通过杀死寄生虫抗原呈递EC来负责肺水肿的发展[4]。Sercundes等人。在MA-ARDS小鼠模型中,EC细胞凋亡也有所增加[82]。同样在ECM小鼠模型中,观察到EC细胞凋亡[83\u86]。一项患者研究发现,EC细胞凋亡增加与致死性CM相关[87]。最有趣的是,Dorovini-Zis 等人。在CM中发现肥厚的ECs,具有明显的水泡核,内皮坏死,甚至血管内皮剥落[88]。此外,Punsawad 等人。证明Fas/FasL系统诱导半胱天冬酶的激活,介导EC细胞凋亡,因此可能导致患者肺水肿[89]。此外,在具有感染红细胞的人EC的体外培养中,观察到对EC的凋亡作用[90,91]。相比之下,在一些研究中,EC的通透性而非EC的凋亡与ECM的发病机制有关[92,93]。在这些研究中,发现影响流体运输的紧密和粘附连接的拆卸是病理学的原因。此外,Shaw 等人。在ECM发育中仅发现有限的细胞凋亡[94]。综上所述,关于内皮屏障的破坏是由 EC 的死亡还是仅由 EC 的通透性而没有死亡,存在相互矛盾的数据。我们的研究结果清楚地证实了EC的死亡是导致水肿发展的原因的观点。气管细胞是排列肺泡上皮的内皮细胞,在气体交换中起重要作用[19,20]。它们在感染时的消耗和水肿的发展可能导致气体交换能力降低。事实上,我们和其他人已经描述了气体交换减少和一氧化碳增加++2血中的水平,与MA-ARDS病理学一致[95,96]。
对多个白细胞群的GSEA分析显示,在MA-ARDS的消退阶段,促消退和抗炎通路的活跃程度增加。这伴随着 EC 增殖的增加,如 scRNAseq 和流式细胞术所示,肺部 EC 的数量回到基础水平 15 dpi。作为与抗疟药物联合使用的辅助疗法,可作为改善 MA-ARDS 消退的辅助疗法,可防止感染后 EC 细胞凋亡或杀死,或促进 EC 的增殖。此外,观察到持续的 EC 激活,EC 上的 CD40 和 MHC-I 水平升高,直到 15 dpi。这与 Moxon 等人的一项临床研究一致,该研究显示脑疟疾患儿在入院后一周内持续存在内皮激活和炎症。
CD8 T细胞在实验性MA-ARDS和ECM中具有致病性[4,6,15,97]。此外,在儿科患者中,发现脑疟疾与CD3 CD8 T细胞的脑血管结合有关[98]。因此,这些结果表明,无论是在ECM还是实验性MA-ARDS,内皮细胞分别在脑或肺中直接CD8 T细胞募集和活化,引起病理。Claser等人。和 Howland 等人。在实验性MA-ARDS和脑疟疾(ECM)中,寄生虫抗原通过MHC-I在内皮细胞上交叉呈递,导致CD8 T细胞活化,随后对血管壁造成损伤[4,83]。在MA-ARDS的scRNAseq分析中,BEC和Teff细胞之间的细胞间相互作用预测证实了这一点。这表明BEC通过MHC将抗原呈递给Teff细胞,导致Teff细胞的活化以及随后Ifng和Gzmb的表达(图8)。此外,我们观察到这些相互作用主要对 d8 具有特异性,因为这些相互作用在 d12 中不再存在。这与Claser等人的观点也一致,他们证明了抗疟治疗后肺内皮细胞的交叉呈递减少[4]。与d12相比,大多数细胞因子在d8上下调[13],这些数据提供了为什么疾病症状在d12上已经广泛消退的见解,尽管与d8相比,d12上的致病性CD8 T细胞数量更多。++++++
促进消退和恢复,例如通过促进EC的扩散,可能更有益。一般而言,促消退疗法的副作用比抗炎疗法少[101]。根据 d12 的 MultiNicheNet 分析,胰岛素样生长因子 1 (IGF-1) 可能是促进 MA-ARDS 分辨率的有趣靶点,因为 IGF-1 诱导了 BEC 中的细胞周期和增殖相关靶基因。此外,AM产生的IGF-1也可诱导2型肺泡(type 2 alveolar, AT8)上皮细胞的增殖和分化,进而增加气道上皮细胞的修复和气体交换[102,103,1]。骨桥蛋白 (Spp1) 也被发现在巨噬细胞消退过程中表达,并与与 IGF-104 相似的整合素相互作用。骨桥蛋白被描述为减少炎症和减少组织损伤,因此也可能是一个有趣的靶点。[1] 载脂蛋白E(Apoe)可能通过诱导ATP结合盒亚家族A成员1(Abca77)在BEC中具有抗炎作用[2]。此外,发现Apoe可抑制T细胞活化并促进M24巨噬细胞表型[26–55,58–<>]。综合 Apoe 对 BEC、T 细胞和巨噬细胞的所有影响,诱导 Apoe 可促进炎症的消退。正在进行进一步的研究,以在功能上验证这些不同的分辨率途径。
总之,显微CT显示,PbNK65感染后肺总容积和非通气肺容积增加,这是由水肿发展引起的。这导致肺通气模式发生急剧改变,在寄生虫杀灭后 MA-ARDS 消退期间恢复。除了肺部的高度炎症状态外,scRNAseq还显示内皮细胞数量大幅减少。在消退阶段,EC开始增殖以恢复内皮屏障。在消退过程中还观察到抗炎途径的增加。这些发现为研究促进限制炎症的促消退途径和诱导EC增殖的治疗的辅助治疗提供了一个有趣的起点,因为这些治疗可以改善抗疟药物杀死寄生虫后致命的MA-ARDS并发症的恢复。
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S1 图。 内皮细胞的流式细胞术门控策略。
分离肺细胞并染色用于流式细胞术。在排除红细胞、碎片和双峰细胞后,对所有活细胞 (LD) 进行门控。内皮细胞鉴定为CD45、CD31。分析内皮细胞的BrdU和活化标志物(阳性细胞的频率和平均荧光强度)。图中显示了未感染的对照和经 ART+CQ 处理的 PbNK65 感染的 C57BL/6 小鼠的代表性 12 dpi。LD,活死人。--+
S2 图。 随访 ART+CQ 处理的 PbNK65 感染的 C57BL/6 小鼠。
铅NK65感染的C57BL / 6小鼠每天用8mg / kg青蒿琥酯+ 12mg / kg氯喹(ART + CQ)处理10至30 dpi。(A) 每天使用 Giemsa 染色的血涂片从 6 dpi 开始测定寄生虫血症。(B) 从 6 dpi 开始每天监测临床评分。(C) 与从 0 dpi 开始的 6 dpi 相比,计算体重减轻。(空调)来自三个实验的数据。数据表示为SEM±均值。 CON 为 n = 10,ART+CQ 为 n = 15–18。
S3 图。 选择用于scRNAseq分析的小鼠的肺泡水肿水平。
铅NK65感染的C57BL / 6小鼠每天用8mg / kg青蒿琥酯+ 12mg / kg氯喹(ART + CQ)处理10至30 dpi。通过测量 BALF 中的蛋白质浓度来确定肺泡水肿的水平。从实验中选择每种条件的四只小鼠(完整符号)进行scRNAseq。
S4 图。 GzmB、Ccl5 和 Ccl4 在肺淋巴细胞群中的表达水平。
检查对照组(CON)、PbNK3感染(d65)和ART+CQ处理(d8)小鼠的淋巴细胞簇(图12)中不同基因的表达。颗粒酶B(GzmB;A)、CC趋化因子配体5(Ccl5;B) 和 CC 趋化因子配体 4 (Ccl4;C)显示了所有三种条件下不同淋巴细胞群的情况。
S5 图。 Doublet1 和 Doublet2 与其他肺淋巴细胞分开聚集。
在骨髓分析中鉴定出Doublet1和Doublet2簇(图4),分别以T细胞或B细胞标记物为标记基因。因此,将这些簇添加到淋巴细胞中(图3)并再次聚集。(A) 显示 Doublet1 和 Doublet2 簇位置的 UMAP 图。(B) 根据主要细胞类型绘制 UMAP 图,其中 Doublet1 和 Doublet2 聚类在一起作为髓样细胞簇。(C) 热图显示每种细胞类型的前 5 个标志物和髓系簇的前 15 个标记物(来自 B)及其在所有细胞类型中的表达。
S6 图。 Alox15、Hmox1 和 Fth1 在肺髓细胞群中的表达水平。
S7 图。 Vegfa 和 Mki67 在肺非免疫细胞群中的表达水平。
S8 图。 在 PbNK45 感染后未观察到 CD31 CD65 细胞增加。--
铅NK65感染的C57BL / 6小鼠每天用8mg / kg青蒿琥酯+ 12mg / kg氯喹(ART + CQ)处理10至30 dpi。对于未处理 (UT) 的 PbNK8 感染小鼠,以 65 dpi 解剖小鼠,以 12 或 15 dpi 解剖未经处理的 (UT)、PbNK65 感染的 C57BL/6 小鼠。未感染的小鼠用作对照(CON)。从肺部分离细胞并进行流式细胞术。(A) 代表性 FACS 图显示所有活单细胞上 CD45 和 CD31 表达,其中 EC (CD45 CD31) 和白细胞 (CD45 CD31) 门控为黑色,CD45 CD31 群体门控为橙色。(B)计算肺部CD45、CD31的绝对数量。来自两到五个实验的数据。每个符号代表一只鼠标。水平黑线表示中位数。CON n = 16–18,UT d10 n = 8,ART+CQ d20 n = 12,ART+CQ d14 n = 15。-++----+
S9 图。 子聚类信息被投射到原始UMAP图上。
(A)在淋巴细胞、骨髓和非免疫细胞的亚簇化过程中获得的亚簇鉴定被投影到原始分析的UMAP图上(图2A)。(B)将一些子簇合并为更大的群体,用于MultiNicheNet分析,以使结果更加稳健。原始分析的 UMAP 图显示了 MultiNicheNet 分析中使用的聚类。
S1 表。 用于流式细胞术的抗体。
下表列出了用于流式细胞术的抗体概述,包括抗原、荧光团和公司。每个样本读取200 000个活单细胞。
S2 表。 主要簇的标记基因。
使用FindAllMarkers函数鉴定的所有主簇的标记基因列表,如图2所示。表包含基因名称(行名和基因)、p 值 (p_val)、与所有其他簇相比的平均 log2 倍数变化 (avg_log2FC)、在目标簇中表达该基因的细胞百分比 (pct.1)、在所有其他簇中表达该基因的细胞百分比 (pct.2)、调整后的 p 值 (p_val_adj) 和基因所属的簇(簇)。
S3 表。 淋巴簇的标记基因。
使用FindAllMarkers函数鉴定所有淋巴簇的标记基因列表,如图3所示。表格包含基因名称(行名和基因)、p 值 (p_val)、与所有其他簇相比的平均 log2 倍数变化 (avg_log2FC)、在目标簇中表达该基因的细胞百分比 (pct.1)、在所有其他簇中表达该基因的细胞百分比 (pct.2)、调整后的 p 值 (p_val_adj) 和基因所属的簇(簇)
S4 表。 NK细胞GSEA分析的输出。
标志性通路概述、其 p 值 (pval)、调整后的 p 值 (padj)、富集评分 (ES)、归一化富集评分 (NES)、随机基因集具有更极端富集评分值的次数 (nMoreExtreme)、去除差异表达基因列表中不存在的基因后通路的大小 (大小) 和在比较不同条件时具有驱动富集的前缘基因索引的载体 (leadingEdge) (CONvsd8, CONvsd12和d8vsd12)用于NK细胞,如图3G所示。
S5 表。 T细胞GSEA分析的输出。
标志性通路概述、其 p 值 (pval)、调整后的 p 值 (padj)、富集评分 (ES)、归一化富集评分 (NES)、随机基因集具有更极端富集评分值的次数 (nMoreExtreme)、去除差异表达基因列表中不存在的基因后通路的大小 (大小) 和在比较不同条件时具有驱动富集的前缘基因索引的载体 (leadingEdge) (CONvsd8, CONvsd12 和 d8vsd12) 将所有 T 细胞组合,如图 3H 所示。
S6 表。 髓系簇的标记基因。
使用FindAllMarkers函数鉴定的所有髓系簇的标记基因列表,如图4所示。表包含基因名称(行名和基因)、p 值 (p_val)、与所有其他簇相比的平均 log2 倍数变化 (avg_log2FC)、在目标簇中表达该基因的细胞百分比 (pct.1)、在所有其他簇中表达该基因的细胞百分比 (pct.2)、调整后的 p 值 (p_val_adj) 和基因所属的簇(簇)。
S7 表。 肺泡巨噬细胞GSEA分析的输出。
标志性通路概述、其 p 值 (pval)、调整后的 p 值 (padj)、富集评分 (ES)、归一化富集评分 (NES)、随机基因集具有更极端富集评分值的次数 (nMoreExtreme)、去除差异表达基因列表中不存在的基因后通路的大小 (大小) 和在比较不同条件时具有驱动富集的前缘基因索引的载体 (leadingEdge) (CONvsd8, CONvsd12和d8vsd12)为肺泡巨噬细胞,如图4G所示。
S8 表。 单核细胞GSEA分析的输出。
标志性通路概述、其 p 值 (pval)、调整后的 p 值 (padj)、富集评分 (ES)、归一化富集评分 (NES)、随机基因集具有更极端富集评分值的次数 (nMoreExtreme)、去除差异表达基因列表中不存在的基因后通路的大小 (大小) 和在比较不同条件时具有驱动富集的前缘基因索引的载体 (leadingEdge) (CONvsd8, CONvsd12 和 d8vsd12) 对于所有单核细胞,如图 4H 所示。
S9 表。 非免疫簇的标记基因。
使用FindAllMarkers函数鉴定的所有非免疫簇的标记基因列表,如图5所示。表包含基因名称(行名和基因)、p 值 (p_val)、与所有其他簇相比的平均 log2 倍数变化 (avg_log2FC)、在目标簇中表达该基因的细胞百分比 (pct.1)、在所有其他簇中表达该基因的细胞百分比 (pct.2)、调整后的 p 值 (p_val_adj) 和基因所属的簇(簇)。
S10 表。 气动胶质细胞GSEA分析的输出。
标志性通路概述、其 p 值 (pval)、调整后的 p 值 (padj)、富集评分 (ES)、归一化富集评分 (NES)、随机基因集具有更极端富集评分值的次数 (nMoreExtreme)、去除差异表达基因列表中不存在的基因后通路的大小 (大小) 和在比较不同条件时具有驱动富集的前缘基因索引的载体 (leadingEdge) (CONvsd8, CONvsd12和d8vsd12)为气动胶质细胞,如图5G所示。
S11 表。 动脉血内皮细胞的GSEA分析输出。
标志性通路概述、其 p 值 (pval)、调整后的 p 值 (padj)、富集评分 (ES)、归一化富集评分 (NES)、随机基因集具有更极端富集评分值的次数 (nMoreExtreme)、去除差异表达基因列表中不存在的基因后通路的大小 (大小) 和在比较不同条件时具有驱动富集的前缘基因索引的载体 (leadingEdge) (CONvsd8, CONvsd12 和 d8vsd12) 用于所有动脉血内皮细胞,如图 5H 所示。
我们要感谢 Bert Malengier-Devlies 对单细胞 RNA 测序实验的实验设置提供的出色帮助和反馈。
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