评估了585个RDT,其中551个使用75个血清样本,5个使用99个血清样本。采用现行国家诊断算法作为慢性感染血清学诊断的参考标准,评估的RDT的敏感性范围为0.95%至70.5%(100%CI 70.9-100),特异性范围为95.65%至3%(100%CI 7.11-63)。大多数测试(6/90,10.11%)的敏感性高于90%,几乎所有测试(9/90,90.<>%)的特异性都在<>%以上。<>项RDT的敏感性和特异性均在<>%以上。
恰加斯病是一种传染性寄生虫病,影响哥伦比亚400多万人。泛美卫生组织(PAHO)估计,000%的感染者没有临床症状。为了确定一个人是否感染,必须在通常不在初级卫生保健中心附近的实验室进行血液检查。尽管最近诊断覆盖率有所提高,但恰加斯病的诊断方式需要进一步简化,以便对更多人进行感染检测并提供早期治疗。为此,需要快速诊断测试(RDT)。RDT是一种小型设备,使用从手指上取的一滴血,可以在几分钟内确定一个人是否可能患有T。克氏菌感染,导致恰加斯病的寄生虫。这些测试可以在一个人接受护理时快速进行,即使在医院或医疗中心外也是如此,因为它们易于使用并且不需要专门的培训即可完成。有几种市售的针对 T 的快速诊断检测。克鲁兹检测,但需要更多关于它们在哥伦比亚人群中诊断疾病方面的表现的信息。因此,已在受控实验室条件下对拉丁美洲区域市售的70种快速诊断检测进行了评估,以确定其诊断T的能力。哥伦比亚人群中的克氏菌感染。这项研究发现了七种RDTs,它们在诊断恰加斯病方面的有效性超过11%。现在,那些具有最佳诊断性能的RDT需要在受控实验室条件之外的现场研究中在现实世界中进行评估。如果这些检测的现场性能证明是最佳的(即与目前基于实验室的诊断方法相当),则可以将RDT纳入哥伦比亚的诊断方案,从而允许分散诊断,并帮助改善有恰加斯病风险的人的可及性和卫生保健覆盖面。
Fig 2Table 3Table 4图1表1表2Fig 2Table 3Table 4图1表1表2
引文: 马尔乔尔 A, 弗洛雷斯·桑切斯 AC, 凯塞多 A, 塞古拉 M, 包蒂斯塔 J, 阿亚拉·索特洛 MS, 等人. (2023) 哥伦比亚 17 种用于恰加斯病血清学诊断的快速诊断检测的实验室评估。PLoS Negl Trop Dis 8(0011547): e10. https://doi.org/1371.0011547/journal.pntd.<>
编辑 器: Natalie Bowman,美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山医学院
收到: 28月 2022, 24;接受: 七月 2023, 22;发表: 2023月 <>, <>
版权所有: ? 2023 马尔乔尔等人。这是一篇根据知识共享署名许可条款分发的开放获取文章,该许可允许在任何媒体上不受限制地使用、分发和复制,前提是注明原作者和来源。
数据可用性: 数据可应要求提供给哥伦比亚国立卫生研究所的Liliana Jazmín Cortes Cortes,网址为:contactenos@ins.gov.co。
资金: 武田向DNDi提供了财政支持,作为恰加斯病活动的机构;这种支持被用来资助这项研究。资助者在研究设计、数据收集和分析、发表决定或手稿准备方面没有任何作用。
竞争利益: 提交人声明不存在相互竞争的利益。
针对这一发现,开发了一种基于两种不同 ELISA 和 IFA 的新算法,作为不一致情况下的决胜局,并包含在 CCR 中。经过30个月的实施,在验证了护理路线图的五个城市,对5,654人进行了检测,649人患有T。与实施前的基线评估相比,Cruzi感染被确定为感染的患者数量增加了5.6倍,感染患者检出率增加了7倍,诊断确认的等待时间从258日缩短至19日[11]。包括新诊断算法在内的CCR已扩展到哥伦比亚的其他几个流行城市。
恰加斯病的慢性期通过检测循环中的 IgG 抗体来诊断 T。克鲁齐。有几种基于不同免疫学原理的基于实验室的诊断测试,例如IFA,IHA,ELISA和化学发光测定(CLIA),所有这些都用于临床实践。
泛美卫生组织 (PAHO) 建议至少检测两个基于血清学实验室的阳性检测结果,以确认慢性 T 的诊断。克氏菌感染[12]。进行此类检测的实验室需要有合格的人员、特定的处理设备和基础设施,而这些在流行地区的初级保健水平上通常不具备。目前,有几种市售的慢性T快速诊断检测(RDT)。使用全血、血浆或血清检测特异性抗体的克氏菌感染。这些测试易于执行,涉及的技术程序较少,需要可通过毛细管/数字穿刺获得的小样品量,并且处理时间短,无需专门的实验室、基础设施、设备和熟练的操作人员即可快速提供结果(10-35 分钟)。此外,它们可以在靠近社区的初级保健级别进行,从而提高对治疗的依从性。一般来说,这些是ICT(ICT),也称为LFA,可提供定性结果[13,14]。由于这些特征,快速检测在公共卫生中具有重要价值,因为它们可以促进获得诊断,并在资源有限和护理点(POC)环境中实现病例管理。
RDT广泛用于筛查不同的感染[15]。例如,人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)、梅毒和乙型肝炎以及恰加斯病被纳入消除母婴传播倡议框架(EMTCT Plus)[16]。然而,虽然在EMTCT Plus框架中,使用快速诊断检测系统筛查用于其他三种疾病,但恰加斯病的情况并非如此。泛美卫生组织/WHO强烈建议在基于人群的研究中使用ICT检测来评估恰加斯病的患病率[2]。此外,快速检测是疟疾等其他热带病控制规划的重要组成部分,登革热和利什曼病等其他被忽视疾病也有快速检测方法,并纳入泛美卫生组织的诊断建议。
The aim of this study was to assess, under controlled laboratory conditions, the diagnostic performance in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood ratios, false positive (FP) and false negative (FN) rates and true positive (TP) and true negative (TN) rates, of 11 RDTs for the serological diagnosis of T. cruzi infection. Our hypothesis was that the diagnostic performance of RDTs should not be different when compared with the serological laboratory-based tests used as reference standards in Colombia.
Study type and design
A retrospective analytical observational study of diagnostic tests was performed to estimate the operational characteristics of 11 commercially available RDTs designed for in vitro detection of anti-T. cruzi IgG antibodies. The study was developed at the National Reference Laboratory of Parasitology of the INS, which has ISO17025 accreditation by the National Accreditation Body of Colombia (ONAC) for performing selected serological laboratory-based tests. Variables such as sample volume, room temperature and relative humidity, reading time, and storage conditions were strictly controlled according to each manufacturer’s specifications. Moreover, the tests were processed by laboratory personnel using equipment with strict protocols of maintenance and calibration. Each rapid test was performed in compliance with the technical procedures established by the manufacturers. The reference for performance comparison was the current national algorithm for serological diagnosis of chronic infection [19,20].
The samples used in this study consisted of human serum previously assessed at INS with the reference standard. Inclusion and exclusion criteria are as follows. Samples from Colombian patients with suspected chronic T. cruzi infection collected between January 2019 and March 2021 that had been properly stored (at -70°C) at the INS serum storage facility and for which there was the patient’s informed consent were included. Samples stored in suboptimal conditions or not properly identified, of insufficient volume, in poor technical condition (such as those with fibrin remnants or haemolysis) or with inconclusive results in the reference tests were excluded from the study.
The serum samples were collected from both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients, while some of them came from the national quality control programs carried out by the INS in departmental public health laboratories; for this reason, the origin, sex, and age of subjects were not recorded in all cases. Samples were selected using the database of the Chagas Programme of the National Reference Laboratory of Parasitology. Inclusion criteria were applied, and 617 samples were then selected randomly from this group using SPSS. Subsequently, 32 samples were excluded based on exclusion criteria for a final sample size of 585 (Fig 1). Samples with different optical densities and titres were selected, ranging from densities near the cut-off point to maximum densities. Specifically, serum absorbencies ranged from 0.010 to 2.950 as measured by an ELISA reader during the processing of samples according to the national reference standard. Samples representing all ranges were included, though previously indeterminate samples were excluded. To process the rapid tests, we utilized additional supplies which were not included with the test kits, including calibrated pipettes, chronometers, disposable points for pipettes, and protective personal equipment for the operators. All tests were processed according to manufacturer instructions.
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Fig 1. Sample selection flowchart.
Sample calculation and parameters assessed
Sample size calculation was based on independent calculations for sensitivity and specificity using Tilaki’s formula [21]. For an expected sensitivity of 96% (100–92.5%) and specificity of 98.0% (100–93.0%), a minimum sample size of 501 samples was calculated; however, given the availability of samples and reagents, a total of 585 samples were used; 302positive (51.6%) and the remaining 283 negative. The parameters assessed for each RDT against the reference standard included accuracy (TP/FN)/(FP/TN) Sensitivity (TP/TP + FN), specificity (TN/TN + FP), false positive (FP/FP+TN) and false negative rates (FN/FN+TP), and positive (sensitivity/1-specificity) and negative (specificity/1-sensitivity) likelihood ratios. Test validity (invalid result rate) was assessed for each RDT, as an analytical performance parameter.
Reference standard and sample classification
As a reference standard, this study used the current Colombian algorithm for serological diagnosis based on two commercial IgG ELISA assays, based on total (ELISA Chagas III—BiosChile) and recombinant (Elisa–Vircell / Chagatest recombinante 4.0—Wiener Lab) antigens with confirmed sensitivity and specificity >98% [20] for the detection of anti-T. cruzi antibodies and an "in house" indirect immunofluorescence assay as a tiebreaker in case of disagreement. All techniques underwent secondary validation by the INS. The serological external quality assurance panel, WHO international standard reference panel for anti-Trypanosoma cruzi I and II antibodies NIBSC code: 11/216 (NIBSC, UK), was used to corroborate the detection capacity of the 11 RDTs with an international standard.
Selection of RDTs
The selection of RDTs that was included in the study considered commercial availability in Colombia, current registration with the National Institute for Drug and Food Surveillance (INVIMA), performance in previous publications, and regional production in Latin America of the RDTs. Tests that had not been previously registered with INVIMA were authorized directly by the INS Directorate of Public Health Networks (DRSP). A total of 11 RDTs were evaluated (Table 1).
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Table 1. Technical characteristics of RDTs included in the study.
Assessment of ease of use
该研究评估了与如何使用每种测试相关的四个基本要素。目的是从操作员的角度评估和报告使用每种测试的经验。操作员(INS的高技能实验室技术人员)对以下要素进行了主观评估:1)添加样品后测试设备背景的外观(如果背景“清晰”,则测试比“深色”获得更高的分数,因为它增加了对比度,从而增加了可读性),2)对照/测试带的着色强度(如果对照/测试带清晰且深色, 与浅色、微弱或漫射的条带相比,该测试获得了更高的分数),3)封装说明书的质量和全面性(制造商声明的使用说明或数据手册,以及4)易于观察结果(评估器件背景和频带强度的组合)。为了衡量操作员的评估,为每个类别中的每个元素分配了一个值 每个类别的分数由处理测试的两个操作员之间的共识确定。通过对每个类别的分数求和来计算 5 到 12 之间的总分,其中 12 代表最大的用户友好性。此外,我们检查了每个RDT是否在其商业包装中包含样品分配器。
每个操作员使用TiraSpot移动应用程序(西班牙SpotLab)为智能手机记录主要数据和摄影图像。RDT图像和相关信息被匿名化并安全地存储在TeleSpot云平台(西班牙Spotlab)中,从该平台创建了结合了元数据和照片的单一数据库[22]。此外,还使用了移民归化局质量保证系统认可的实物记录。所有测试均由两名盲法操作员验证。如果前两个运营商之间存在分歧,则由第三个运营商裁决案件。单独分析了快速检测与参考标准品之间的不一致结果;使用参考测试对在五个以上RDT中出现不一致结果的样品进行重新处理,以验证其最终分类。使用SPSS v18(IBM,阿蒙克,纽约,美国)对每个RDT进行单变量和双变量统计分析。使用 Epidat 95.3(西班牙加利西亚圣德普布利卡市)、Microsoft Excel v0.16.61(Microsoft公司 1 年)和 R 软件 (www.r-project.org) 计算准确性、灵敏度、特异性、假阳性率、假阴性率以及阳性和阴性似然比的点估计值 (%) 和 2022% 置信区间。
The patient’s age was only available in 28.3% (166) of the samples; the mean age was 32.5 years (SD = 22.4), ranging from 1 to 81 years. In 44.1% (258) of the samples, the patient’s gender was recorded; 55.8% (144) were female and 44.2% (114) were male. Samples from most (19/32) Colombian departments were included, with highly endemic areas such as Arauca, Santander, Boyacá, and Casanare, as well as Bogotá—a non-endemic area without active vector transmission (Table 2).
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Table 2. Department of origin of included samples.
All 585 samples were analyzed using the 11 RDTs, except for the TR, which was only used to analyze 551 samples because of a lack of reagents due to problems related to the assay datasheet. The samples represented a broad range of optical densities on the national reference standard (S1 Fig). Of the 585 total samples used in the study of which 302 were originally classified as positive and 285 negative by the national reference standard, 61.4% (359) presented concordant results across all the RDTs evaluated. Of the samples with concordant results, 45.4% (163) had previously been characterized as positive and 54.6% (196) as negative. In total, 38.6% (226) of the samples had at least one discordant RDT result; 61.5% (139) were in samples previously characterized as positive and 38.5% (87) as negative, i.e., most of the discordant results were false negatives. According to a chi squared test, the different rates of discordance between samples which were previously characterized as positive or negative was significant (p≤0.05).
Of the 6,401 tests analyzed, 7.4% (471) disagreed with the reference standard, of which 75.8% were false negatives and 24.2% (114) were false positives. Samples with discordant results between rapid tests and the national reference standard tended to present values which were nearer to the cut-off point of the total antigens ELISA used in the latter. We tested the hypothesis that discordance between the rapid tests and the national reference standard in a given sample would be driven by the amount of antibody titers. Samples which were discordant between the reference standard and rapid tests tended to have lower values, but this was not statistically significant. Therefore, discordance between the rapid tests and the national reference standard did not appear to be correlated with the amount of antibody titers in the samples.
Operational characteristics of the RDTs
Table 3 shows the operational characteristics of the 11 RDTs assessed in this study. Using the current diagnostic algorithm for chronic infection in Colombia as a reference standard, the sensitivity of the assessed RDTs ranged from 75.5% to 99.0% (95% CI 70.5–100), while specificity ranged from 70.9% to 100% (95% CI 65.3–100). Most tests (7/11, 63,6%) had sensitivity above 90%, and almost all (10/11, 90.9%) had specificity above 90%. Two of the 11 tests (18.2%) had sensitivity between 98 and 100% (95%CI 96.5–100), while 8 (72.7%) had specificity within that range (95% CI 97.0–100) (Table 3 and Fig 2).
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Fig 2. Operational characteristics of 11 RDTs.
Δ Sensitivity (%). ○ Specificity (%). Horizontal bars indicate the 95% confidence interval.
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Table 3. Operational characteristics of the assessed RDTs.
Assessment of user-friendliness
User-friendliness was assessed using a score that represented the operator appraisal of the four elements mentioned above and took into account the volume of blood and the design of the sample dispenser (Table 4). The WL Check Chagas test (Wiener Lab, Argentina) had the highest score, thus being considered the most user-friendly. Other findings included the following: the Chagas Rapid First Response test (Lemos Lab, Argentina) can produce a red spot in the Test band (T-band) in some negative tests, which may confuse inexperienced or poorly trained operators; Trypanosoma Detect Rapid test (Inbios Inc., USA) requires specific additional supplies to perform the test; and for Chagas Ab Xerion Cassette test (Xerion, Colombia) not every red line in the T-band indicates a positive sample, as the T-line must be at least as intense as the C-band, which may also generate some uncertainty for inexperienced operators. In five tests a dark/stained background was observed in some cases, which may interfere with the test’s readability. Band intensity varied across RDTs, and it was often weak in four of the eleven RDTs. The quality of the package insert (manufacturer instructions for use) was considered “fair” in one test, while in two tests it was “difficult to read”. A sample dispenser was included in seven RDTs. The evaluation of these criteria represents the subjective opinions of the three highly skilled laboratory technicians who assessed the tests; individual user experience may vary from this.
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Table 4. Assessment of ease of use.
Test validity
The data sheet provided by the manufacturer of each RDT describes the conditions that the test must meet for the result to be considered valid. These conditions were taken strictly into account, and between 0.0% and 1.0% of test results were invalid. (Table 3). Five of the 11 RDTs had no invalid results, two tests had 0.2% invalid results, three had between 0.3% and 0.7%, and one test had 1% invalid results.
The present study shows that in terms of diagnostic performance, 6/11 rapid tests had sensitivity and specificity above 90%, while two had sensitivity above 98%. Eight of the 11 tests also had specificity above 98%. The results of our study will be used to select at least two of the rapid tests for a future field study–depending not only on the characteristics described here but also on their availability in the market and feasibility of implementation in the healthcare system. The results of this study showed that discrepancies between RDTs and reference tests occurred more frequently in samples previously characterized as positive, indicating that most of these RDTs may fail in detecting the analyte (anti-T. cruzi antibodies) present in the samples, a phenomenon that some manufacturers indicate in their datasheets and attribute to the limit of detection (LOD) of the test, which is not specified by the manufacturers. This phenomenon is inherent to the analytical method and technology type. Further research is required to clarify this question; one potential direction could be comparing the lowest concentration of the analyte in a sample that can be consistently detected with a stated probability (LOD) per test.
The other variables used in the panel, such as age, sex, and sample origin, were not statistically related with the level of agreement between the techniques and were apparently not associated with the success or failure of the RDTs. However, data on sex and age was not available for the majority of the samples.
The optical density (OD) of each sample is given by the absorbance in the reference tests (ELISA methods with total or recombinant antigens). Our study did not find a statistically significant association between variations in the OD of the reference test results and performance of the RDTs. It is generally believed that samples with analyte (anti-T.cruzi antibody) levels near the cut-off point are more likely to produce discordant test results, due to the limited amount of analyte in the sample; however, in the present study, this was not observed. No differences were found between discordant and concordant results of the RDTs with the variation of analyte levels.
The processing of rapid diagnostic tests is technically undemanding; however, such tests must comply with standard biosafety requirements and the manufacturer’s instructions must be easy to follow. Qualitative assessments of the user-friendliness of RDTs can give insight into real world experience and provide useful information for evaluating incorporation of RDTs into a potential diagnostic algorithm for Chagas disease.
Angheben及其同事(2019年)进行的一项系统评价包括10项研究,评估了六种不同的RDT。总体敏感性为96.6%(95%CI 91.3–98.7%),总特异性为99.3%(95%CI 98.4–99.7%),在流行地区发现的值最高[23]。作者支持在诊断过程中纳入RDT,可能与实验室检测相结合进行确认。其他研究还将市售快速检测的使用与基于实验室的血清学技术进行了比较。阿根廷对607份样本进行了24种获批使用的快速检测,将国家指南中的97种血清学检测作为参考标准[2]。在该研究中,SD BIOLINE Chagas Ab快速检测(美国Abbott-Standard Diagnostic)的灵敏度为91.7%,特异性为93.4%,而Wiener Labs Check Chagas分别达到99.1%和99.25%。后一种测试的值与我们研究中的值相似。在哥伦比亚恰加斯病流行区博亚卡的护理点进行的另一项评估中,作者评估了两种用于病例定义的RDT,包括Chagas Stat-Pak测定和Chagas Detect Plus快速测试,使用两种ELISA测试和IFA测试作为参考标准。两种RDT的敏感性和特异性均大于99%[5]。两个区域诊断小组之间的一致性为106.97%。此外,一项在阿根廷纳入100份血清样本的研究显示,评估这两种快速检测时,敏感性大于6%,特异性接近6%,两种检测的分歧为26.<>%[<>]。
另一个需要考虑的重要因素是诊断工具性能可能存在地理差异。Truyens 及其同事(2021 年)评估了快速和血清学检测在 T 诊断中的性能。从洪都拉斯、墨西哥和阿根廷的女性身上收集的 481 份样本中的 cruzi,证实了样本通过 PCR 的反应性。各国所有测试的表现差异很大,墨西哥样本的表现最差。然而,当两种快速检测组合使用时,性能与ELISA技术相当。作者得出结论,各国检测性能的差异不是由于寄生虫血症的差异,而是由于观察到针对ELISA抗原的抗体水平差异[27]。
Other studies have evaluated rapid test performance in dogs. Rodrigues et al assessed the Bio-Manguinhos Lateral Flow Immunochromatographic Rapid Test in 281 serum samples from domestic dogs and 9 from wild canids in Brazil [28]. The authors found a significant correlation between the intensity of bands and the antibody titers from prior serological analyses. Cross reactions were observed in samples infected by Crithidia mellificae, Anaplasma sp. and Erlichia sp. In another study examining the incidence of T. cruzi infection in dog kennels in Texas, both Chagas Stat-pak and InBios Chagas Detect Plus were used, with the former showing high agreement with an immunofluorescence assay (kappa = 0.84) [29]. Both tests, while designed for humans, have been employed in research studies of T. cruzi infection in dogs and cats [29,30].
Rapid tests have been effectively employed to provide immediate point of care diagnosis for other infectious diseases, notably HIV [15,31]. RDT duos–using two RDTs simultaneously—are a promising option which could provide diagnostic confirmation of chronic infection at the point of care. This could be particularly valuable for vulnerable populations that face challenges in accessing healthcare. Some studies have already assessed the use of paired RDTs in Chagas disease endemic countries, with results comparable to those obtained using laboratory-based algorithms [32,33].
我们的研究有一些局限性。由于没有诊断 T 的区域金标准。克氏菌感染,我们使用哥伦比亚诊断算法作为参考标准来确定真阳性和阴性。以前使用内部ELISA和IFA评估了相同的算法,两者都基于哥伦比亚T。CRUZI菌株、一种间接血凝素测定和一种锥体分泌抗原排泄性抗原测定(TESA),据报道敏感性在98%以上,特异性接近100%[20]。此外,我们研究中使用的样本的生物基质是血清,但使用全血时结果可能会有所不同。另一个限制是,我们没有采用聚合酶链反应(PCR)或其他寄生虫学方法,这些方法对检测慢性克氏锥虫感染或寄生虫学阴性对照的敏感性较低。我们也没有符合纳入标准的利什曼原虫确诊感染的样本,以评估交叉反应的影响,也没有分析根据国家参考标准不确定的样本(在这种情况下,免疫荧光测定用作决胜局。这是一项基于实验室的研究,严格控制储存温度、加工温度、相对湿度和时间等环境条件,并由高素质人员使用校准设备进行测量;但是,当在初级保健中心和/或社区进行测试时,结果可能会有所不同。由于诊断性能的地理差异以及各国循环DTU类型的差异,我们的结果可能不适用于其他地区。
总之,我们的研究表明,几种快速检测可以具有与哥伦比亚诊断算法相当的性能,该算法基于 ELISA 血清学检测。未能系统地诊断T。克罗齐感染是持续忽视这一全球公共卫生问题的主要原因之一;在发现该疾病100多年后,围绕该疾病的流行病学沉默仍然存在,大多数患者仍未得到诊断和治疗。由于大多数患者不知道自己已被感染,因此迫切需要通过初级卫生保健中心对高危人群进行积极筛查。快速检测可以简化患者和医疗保健提供者的诊断过程,有可能在护理点提供即时结果,并允许立即评估以开始治疗方案,避免患者管理的延误和随访损失。最终,全面控制媒介、先天性和其他传播途径将是实现世界卫生组织到2030年消除恰加斯病这一公共卫生问题的目标的关键[34]。
为了在现场或护理点环境中系统地使用快速检测,必须进行进一步的研究,以评估使用全血和现场条件下进行RDTs的性能。此外,重要的是要确定成对使用的快速检测组合是否有助于早期确认有 T 风险人群的诊断。克鲁兹感染。这可以改善这种诊断不足和被忽视的疾病的早期诊断和治疗,特别是在边缘化和脆弱社区中。
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S1 图 研究中包括的585个样品的光学密度根据其参考值的分布。
S2 图 根据RDT结果,研究中包括的585个样品的光学密度分布。
作者感谢阿尔伯特·皮卡多博士为研究概念和方法提供的帮助和支持;FIND,用于提供硬件、软件和消耗品;Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz(巴西奥斯瓦尔多·克鲁兹基金会)提供TR Chagas Bio-Manguinhos测试;Sergio Sosa Estani(DNDi)和María Jesus Panazo(DNDi)的研究概念和方法支持。被忽视疾病药物倡议(DNDi)感谢其公共和私人捐助者,他们自2003年DNDi成立以来一直为DNDi提供资金。DNDi捐赠者的完整名单可以在 http://www.dndi.org/donors/donors/ 找到。
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