2005年6月,留学美国哥伦比亚大学、普林斯顿大学、耶鲁大学和哈佛大学等美国东部地区的中国学者及有关专家在纽约创办《现代会计与审计》(Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, , USA)。 刊物内容涉及会计研究、财务与资本市场研究、审计研究与实践等领域。经过一年多的发展,本刊已同中国近60多所重点大学的商学院、会计学院等建立了良好合作关系,已成为中国会计学专业博士及教师发表文章进行理论争鸣的重要学术载体。同时,本刊密切关注中国会计与审计事业的发展,鼎力支持中国会计与审计研究,积极向世界展示中国会计与审计领域研究的最新成果。
主管单位: 主办单位:美国大卫出版公司 国内刊号: 国际刊号:1548-6583 邮发代号: 发行周期:月刊
Accounting and Value Relevance of Intangibles:A longitudinal Study in Italian Stock Exchange 2010-2018
《现代会计与审计:英文版》2020年 第5期 | Francesco Paolone Riccardo Tiscini Laura Martiniello Mercatorum University Rome Italy
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摘 要:This paper aims at exploring whether single items of intangible recognized in the financial statements under International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS)are value relevant to investors on the Italian Stock Exchange.The data were gathered from all non-financial Italian listed companies covering the period 2010-2018.Using the Ohlson’s(1995)model,a panel data regression analysis with fixed effect has been adopted to test the relationship between intangibles and stock prices.We found that intangibles(goodwill,R&D expenditure,and other intangibles that are the sub-categories displayed on Orbis Database)are positively related to security price.The implications involve managers that must give much interest to intangibles as well as standards setters that should require further disclosure.This work covered a very recent set of longitudinal accounting data and offered an updating view of the association between intangible information and value relevance in the Italian Stock Exchange.
【分 类】 【经济】 > 经济计划与管理 > 会计
【关键词】 International accounting INTANGIBLES Ohlson’s model IAS 38 IFRS 3
【出 处】 《现代会计与审计:英文版》2020年 第5期 201-210页 共10页
【收 录】 中文科技期刊数据库